Search found 19 matches

08 Feb 2020, 19:10
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Miaxmo - Experience - Anyone
Replies: 1
Views: 4938

Miaxmo - Experience - Anyone

Hi All Is there anybody you there who has any experience with Miaxmo or other software using pre-made animations. Eg with in- and export from Max/Maya. Animation blending animations and importing into unity. We are working on very early stages of our next story-driven game and are looking for the ri...
30 Jun 2018, 12:30
Forum: Jobs
Topic: Undervisning i Spildesig - Sorø
Replies: 0
Views: 4339

Undervisning i Spildesig - Sorø

Vores samarbejde med Sorø Fri Fagskole med at udvikle en ét-års platform, hvor unge mennesker på mellem 16 og 19 år på 10. klasses niveau kan få mulighed for at tage deres første skridt fra spillere til spiludviklere har stor succes og vi leder efter nye dygtige undervisere med drive og lyst til at ...
17 May 2017, 13:03
Forum: Jobs
Topic: Dygtige spilfolk til undervisning
Replies: 1
Views: 7174

Dygtige spilfolk til undervisning

ZAXIS er på jagt efter dygtige undervisere i spildesign. Vi har en stilling ledig i Vordingborg frifagskole med 2 arbejdsdage torsdag samt fredag svare til en 30% af en fuldtidsstilling og en stilling i Odense ligeledes på 2 arbejdsdage. Fælles for begge gælder.... Du har: ● Erfaring med spilprodukt...
12 Jan 2017, 15:35
Forum: Jobs
Topic: (STILLINGEN ER BESAT!)2d artist assistant
Replies: 1
Views: 5235

(STILLINGEN ER BESAT!)2d artist assistant

ZAXIS is looking for a junior artist assistant programmer to help us complete our upcoming PC/PS4 action adventure norse mythology game Fimbul launching on Steam spring 2017. The game has an in-game comic book, in which the underlying story is told and the player can shape the story based on the ch...
28 Dec 2016, 13:23
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Looking for great offices
Replies: 0
Views: 4377

Looking for great offices

Cool seats for cool game people We currently have available office space, at our offices in Amaliegade 30, København K. Currently Zaxis, Framebunker and Liquidmedia have seats. We are looking who are simply awesome. All available seats are situated in an open office area. You can rent from 2-6 seat...
28 Dec 2016, 12:04
Forum: Offtopic
Topic: Kan man prøve en HTC Vive et sted i Kbh?
Replies: 8
Views: 38049

Re: Kan man prøve en HTC Vive et sted i Kbh?

Hej Jesper

Går ud fra at du har været i Vive-mode. Ellers er du altid velkommen hos os til en tur i VR gyngen.

Med venlig hilsen¨

Jacob Honoré
28 Dec 2016, 11:36
Forum: Jobs
Topic: Game Programmer
Replies: 0
Views: 4309

Game Programmer

ZAXIS is looking for a skilled gameplay programmer to help us complete our upcoming PC/PS4 action adventure norse mythology game Fimbul. You will be working closely with our team of programmers shaping the gameplay and fighting mechanics as well as debugging optimizing and maintaining other essenti...
04 Apr 2016, 14:00
Forum: Jobs
Topic: 3ds max / Z-brush modeller
Replies: 0
Views: 4120

3ds max / Z-brush modeller

Zaxis is looking for a skilled freelance 3d modeller to help us in peek periodes. You will be working closely with our team. You are: Experienced in working with 3ds max and Z-brush . Know the in's in out's of the bibed and bone system. Able to work from our office in downtown Copenhagen and willin...
30 Jan 2016, 18:38
Forum: Jobs
Topic: Awesome programmer wanted - badly
Replies: 1
Views: 5746

Re: Awesome programmer wanted - badly

Hi All.

We have recieved an overwhelming number of applications and have now filled the position.

We have tried to write everyone back, but if we missed a few we apologies a hope they read it here :-)
05 Jan 2016, 18:59
Forum: Jobs
Topic: Animator wanted
Replies: 0
Views: 3731

Animator wanted

Zaxis is looking for a skilled animator to help us develop our upcoming Pc/PS4 Norse mythology game Fimbul. You will be working closely with the designer in shaping the gameplay and fighting systems. You are: Experienced in working with Unity 5. Know the in's in out's of the Mecanim system. An expe...
05 Jan 2016, 18:35
Forum: Jobs
Topic: Awesome programmer wanted - badly
Replies: 1
Views: 5746

Awesome programmer wanted - badly

We have found our new teammember. Position no longer available. Thanks all. Zaxis is looking for a skilled gameplay programmer to help us develop our upcoming Pc/PS4 Norse mythology game Fimbul. You will be working closely with the animator and designer in shaping the gameplay and fighting mechanic...
15 Jan 2015, 14:28
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: 3d print. Hvor?
Replies: 6
Views: 12654

Re: 3d print. Hvor?

Tak. Har skrevet til Kim hos Zero og drengene i 3dprinthuset kender jeg. De sælger mest hardware. Men taler lige med dem. Tak for input Jonas :-)
15 Jan 2015, 12:20
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: 3d print. Hvor?
Replies: 6
Views: 12654

3d print. Hvor?

Hej Alle

Vi leder et nogen der kan printe 2-3 figurer til vores kommende spil. De skal være ca 15-20 cm høje og af god kvalitet.

Vi kan leverer filer i alle formater.

Kontakter, links og erfaring med 3d print modtages meget gerne :-)

Skriv eller ring til Jacob på eller 27158045
17 Nov 2014, 14:17
Forum: Jobs
Topic: Game programmer needed. Badly.
Replies: 0
Views: 4136

Game programmer needed. Badly.

Zaxis is looking for a skilled game programmer to work on our undisclosed 3rd person 3d PC/Mac/Console game starting now. If you are up for new challenge, would like to work with a small easy-going dedicated team and have the qualifications listed below please don't hesitate to contact us. Required:...
10 May 2013, 17:51
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Hjælp til monodroid(android i C#)
Replies: 0
Views: 4675

Hjælp til monodroid(android i C#)


Vi sidder i øjeblikket med en applikation og har mega problemer med noget monodroid(android i C#).
Er der nogen der har erfaring med det.
Vi behøver hjælp. Hurtig.............)-)

Meed venlig hilsen

Jacob Honore
27 Mar 2012, 21:53
Forum: Jobs
Topic: Liste over jobs i spilbranchen
Replies: 10
Views: 54189

Re: Liste over jobs i spilbranchen

Hej Kristine

Superfedt. Altid dejligt at du laver de ting som ingen af os andre for tid til? :)

Jacob, Zaxis Games
08 Feb 2011, 13:59
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Spiltestere søges
Replies: 0
Views: 3839

Spiltestere søges

Vores nye iPhone spil er i sidste fase og vi mangler testere, der kan hjælpe os med konstuktiv kritik. Hvis du har lyst og mulighed for at være på Vesterbro, København fredag d. 18. februar 2011 , så afholder vi test-jam mellem kl 10-15 . Hver session vil vare ca. 1 time. Vi står for kagen og forfri...
20 Jan 2011, 14:03
Forum: Jobs
Topic: Underviser søges! 3 ugers kontraktarbejde
Replies: 0
Views: 3281

Underviser søges! 3 ugers kontraktarbejde

Er du skarp til Unity, 3d og js? Har du tid, mod og lyst til at undervise nogle dygtige elever på 3dcollege i Grenå i uge 5,6 og 10 (og måske mere)? Så skriv eller ring til: Jacob Honore ZAXIS/ZaxisGames Vesterbrogade 149, Bygning 1 1620 København V Phone: +45 32 112 333 Mob: +45 27 158 045 http://w...
30 Apr 2010, 13:17
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Penge til projekter på Nordic Game
Replies: 3
Views: 5512

Re: Penge til projekter på Nordic Game

Tak til alle for et par rigtig fede og inspirerende dage i Sverigs-land.
...og ja vi leder stadig efter en dygtig gameprogrammer...
tjek her

God weekend til alle.

Jacob Honore