Also I might add a little to your awesomeness and praise. And don't let it get to your head now.
But you are truly living the indie dream as far as I can see. Perhaps there are a few inaccuracies?
And correct me if I am wrong. But it sounds like.
- Completely self made
- Nobody's tax money was used
- No corporate/investment overlords.
- No shitty free to play mechanics in the game.
- No need to do client work to survive. (Or maybe?)
- And you have a first, year long hit in an niche you pretty much own.
- Gets very positive reviews.
- And you crafted a high-end looking game.
- And you post here.

That is just super rare and incredible!
Maybe there were some sacrifices along the way. There must have been. But the position you are in now
Is looking super sweet!
I wish you all continued the best!