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The Fall (Exile Game Jam game)

Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 13:13
by Thomas Ryder
The Fall was developed during the Exile Game Jam in autumn 2012. It's a classic point-and-click adventure with a twist: Time goes backwards!

The story begins with the end: A Japanese girl commits suicide, and it’s up to the player to both discover and decide which actions lead her to that decision.

I made the graphics, Julian Stengaard was the programmer, and he and Bram Michielsen managed to create a quite good story – which makes sense – in reverse! Morten Mygind and Eske Nørholm made the awesome soundtrack – a piano piece played in reverse. The voice acting was done by one of the students at Vallekilde Højskole where the Exile Jam took place.

The game prototype was made in two days in Processing. The game is half way done, and we consider finishing it up so that people can actually play it.

The Exile Autumn Jam 2012 was an amazing experience! It's been an instant refill of creative energy. And they have a sauna! Thumbs up to Tim Garbos and Jesper Taxbøl for arranging another fantastic Exile Game Jam.









Re: The Fall (Exile Game Jam game)

Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 15:03
Tillykke! og det ser super cool ud. Glæder mig til at prøve det :)

Re: The Fall (Exile Game Jam game)

Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 09:31
by Jesper Kondrup
Ser sgu godt ud, er vild med stilen!