4 Classes

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4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 18 Apr 2020, 10:35

I lost the original, because of a virus, but I like the idea, so here I go again.

You start as one of four classes, and when You reach level 5 you can choose a new class.

This means that You have 16 classes that you can become...

The game is a simple open world RPG.

The link to the old idea:
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1078 ... any_Paths/


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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 19 Apr 2020, 15:04

First structure, is the tower you wake in.


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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 19 Apr 2020, 20:56

Just wondering. Are you not using any kind of version control software or have your projects in the cloud? Since your data-loss was able to occur.

In 2020 there are so many free and excellent services that will do just that. GitHub, BitBucket etc. with private repositories.

That would indeed be a protip. If you haven't already gotten around to think about data safety yet. You should do it NOW! :)

On your game.
I'm not sure it would be very advisable to do 4 or 16 classes in your game. If there is no real gameplay purpose for them to be there in a single player game in the first place. Besides replayability.
I would focus a much fewer classes. If not just one single class. And do that one really well.
Otherwise you will most likely scrape the butter way too thin. Your past games has shown you are really struggling with just getting a simple decent gameplay feel. I would keep things very simple to manage and iterate on before adding unnecessary content and complexity.

And in general you really need to focus on quality over quantity. Test your game on friends while silently observing their behavior in the game on location. Take notes on their progress and frustrations. And get their honest feedback straight after a play session. And iterate, iterate.
Study similar games in >detail< down to the very smallest mechanic. How do they work and why do they work. Steal everything that works and could would work in your game context.

cheers and best of luck with the new project

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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by ZeroHero » 20 Apr 2020, 08:29

Excellent advice from Jonaz.

I will not pretend I am an expert in making games (because I am not), In fact I have not even released my first game yet, so you have managed to accomplish more than me in that regard.

However, I am working on my first title and despite I have been working in the games industry for years I realised there is so many aspects of developing a game I know nothing about.

So, I recentky started researching into how to complete a game by writing down a complete gameplay specifications before starting developing the game.

That helps me not to get distracted and stick to what I had planned, it also allows me to break down the development into milestones and avoid feature creep.

It really helps me a lot as I know exactly what to do and what to complete every week.

I also realised I didn't know anything about how to balance a gameplay, how to market your game and so much more that will help you to complete a game.

I really recommend you to watch as many videos as possible from other indie developers to see how they have manage to make games. Every videos or podcast give me a better insight into the indie games industry and I feel I walk away with some new knowledge that I can use myself.

And as Jonaz said, keep it simple and choose quality over quantity when you can.

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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 22 Apr 2020, 07:18

Guys... I make game, because I like making games...

If You need games to be perfect, with HD graphics, and deep griping game play.
Then You should go make that game, yourself.
And Also meditate, on why You want games to be perfect....

I just makes games, because I like making games.

Yes, I could have 10 different way to backup my game, but I just makes games...
And sometimes shit happens.

I Just makes games, because I like making games.
And if shit happens, I learn something...

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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 22 Apr 2020, 10:40

Hehe that's totally fine Jesper. You can be as unambitious as you want on your hobby projects. :)

None of us are talking about perfect games with superb graphics. I would never expect that from you.

I Just wanted to maybe spur an ever so slight spark of wanting you to improve your craft with less frustration. And to take easily preventable measure to avoid the unnecessary event of loosing a project. Sad to hear that you are unwilling to truly take good advice from other people.
If that is your general life attitude. I guess there i not much anyone can do.

It's super great you doing for games for your own enjoyment. That is true for most indie developers out there. Including myself.
But publishing commercial games on Steam inherently involves other people playing and hopefully enjoying them.
It should be in your own self interest and in your players interest to make better games in general. Even the slightest improvements in design and quality should be welcomed.

Otherwise there is not much point in publishing on Steam. You could just go for publishing them on itch.io for free or pay what you want. That would be fair for all partners.

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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 22 Apr 2020, 12:39

How many of my games have You played.?

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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 22 Apr 2020, 12:46

I've played all (I think) of the free demos you have provided. Not end to end. But a brief play out of curiosity.

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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 22 Apr 2020, 18:51

First look


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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 29 Apr 2020, 14:58

First 3 houses are ready


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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 30 Apr 2020, 15:57

2nd Version of my Fort, for my game..


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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 06 May 2020, 17:43

First Video from the game.
Just me running around and trying the 3 attacks for the Fighter.

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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 15 May 2020, 09:25

It is so easy to make maps in Blender and import them to Unity..
So I want to make a bigger game, and here is a fast version of the big map.

When You fall out of the map, You enter on the opposite side.

Did I forget something .?


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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 16 May 2020, 20:37

Ready for the very first Alpha test.


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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 17 May 2020, 18:04

Added the First Quest...


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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 26 May 2020, 19:39

Just Another Picture


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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 28 May 2020, 10:51

First NPC


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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 31 May 2020, 11:59

Made a quick Dragon, for my game.


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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 31 May 2020, 13:11

Han er ellers sjov fætter din NPC. Han ligner lidt en børnehavepædagog fra 70erne.

Tænkte det kunne være et skægt og skørt twist hvis det var ham der var hovedpersonen!

Sorry hvis lige rambler lidt random madness.
Blev lige inspireret. 100 på du ikke bruger det. 🤣
Det er bare utroligt sjældent at børnehavepædagoger er helte i fantasyverdener.

"Da Arne Sørensen er på udflugt til Hareskoven med sommerfuglestuen fra børnehaven Den Glade Kålorm. Finder han en gammel underlig genstand (eller nogle svampe), som han tager med hjem i sin hjemmestrikkede rygsæk.
Det ligner lidt en bong. Og da han tænder op for den og tager et hiv. Bliver han suget ind i en anden verden, hvor han skal kæmpe mod gule kæmpeedderkopper og drager. Sikke en eventyr Arne er kommet på!"

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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 31 May 2020, 15:37

Jeg kender følelsen.

Jeg sad i flere minutter og tænkte på om mit spil, skulle ændres til at være om en bønde som går igennem livet, imens drager og dæmoner kæmper rundt om ham...

Måske laver jeg det som en mulighed.
Nogle folk vil bare passe deres have, imens andre vil dykke ned i de dybeste huler, og kæmp m od drager.

Jeg skal så havde lavet mit Normal map om, på jorden, så den ser bedre ud...

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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 14 Jun 2020, 07:30

Just Some Pic, of the things for my game..

A Fort for a Quest.

Tried to make a poster Ala Fallout, might need to look over the graphic, one more time...

Some shields.
The biggest problem about making it possible to pick up stuff...
is that You need to make Stuff to pick up.

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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 18 Jun 2020, 13:52

Updated the Font, and added something, so people can find my game.




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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 27 Jun 2020, 15:05

You can change the size from 1 meter to 2.4 meters..

I added some basic magic, so the Fighter can use scroll and cast simple magic.

And another creature for the game..

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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 07 Jul 2020, 16:37

First build and upload to steam,
And it worked in the first try...

Now I just need 350+ more maps, and three other characters...


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Re: 4 Classes

Unread post by JesperSB » 12 Jul 2020, 07:14

All the small stuff

So I made my character, so it can be from 1 meter to 2.4 meters...
And discovered that.. He could not get into the small house, so I had to size the houses, so he also could enter.

I re-made my map, because the first was made in Paint, and I had made it with a 2 degree tilted which made it impossible to make a map system on top.

I upgrade my dungeon creator system.
Now it makes a random dungeon, when You enter a map.
But it remembers the dungeon map, so it will be the same map, that you enter if you enter it more than once.

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