"Lillie is the Keeper" out now for iOS

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"Lillie is the Keeper" out now for iOS

Unread post by SpaceToast » 11 Jan 2023, 14:49


Hey everybody. I've just released "Lillie is the Keeper" for iPhone & iPad. It's an immersive AR Mystlike, in which you control your character by moving around your physical space.

LitK started life as a Masters thesis at KADK (I got a 12) and has been rebuilt into a commercial release while job hunting here on Jutland. It's a classic weird fiction short story in game form, dealing sensitively with issues of mental health, and features full voice acting by Boston actors Sheri Lee, Robert Harrison and Melissa McCue McGrath. (I came to game development from the film/animation world.) A v1.1 release is in the pipeline, with visual and quality of life improvements. Any feedback is appreciated!

It's only 14 krone, but if you'd like a review copy or know someone who would, just message me.


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Re: "Lillie is the Keeper" out now for iOS

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 11 Jan 2023, 23:06

@SpaceToast Cool! Grats on the release! :D

Really nice mood and sound work in the trailer and grats on grade earlier in the project.

Are there any possibility you will be releasing later on PC platforms without the AR implementation?

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Re: "Lillie is the Keeper" out now for iOS

Unread post by SpaceToast » 17 Jan 2023, 18:14

@@jonaz.dk I'd certainly look into it if there was interest. I kind of feel like AR is what makes the game unique though--basically, it's eyestrain-free almost-VR on your phone. Maybe I'm underestimating the rest of the game content. There's a lot going on for a short story, people have dug the visuals, and Sheri's dual performance is fantastic.

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