Part time GameDev.?

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Part time GameDev.?

Unread post by JesperSB » 06 Feb 2022, 12:38

So I have a lot on my plate.
My own company with Hypnoses, and a lover of writing Books.

While I love doing those... I want a steady paycheck.

Is it possible to become part time GameDev.?

I have looked a some postings but I have never seen, We also offer part time..

I am just being to specific or are nobody looking for us... Part times guys.

Here are the books: ... rTweet.png

Just a Hypnotist making games and writing books.

Latest Game (Skyrim ala RPG)... ... RuneChild/

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Re: Part time GameDev.?

Unread post by » 06 Feb 2022, 14:13

Yeah there are usually no job postings for part time jobs in the industry.

A viable strategy would be to apply for a full time position first and then over time ask/negotiate for working fewer hours a week. But that is very much up to the place you work at.

The alternative is a freelance career. Where there might be holes in the calender from time to time to work on your own things.
But that is something you do when you have a really good name, connections and tons of experience and skill in a field.

Another alternative is to work part time in a completely different industry. Might be a really good strategy for you. :) ... 1vcmU6MA== ... deltidsjob

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Re: Part time GameDev.?

Unread post by JesperSB » 06 Feb 2022, 14:19

Thanks. So it is not just me. :cry:

I work part in a supermarket, but I am a little tried of it.
I was looking for a job as a child career, but then I have skill in Unity and Blender.

I have 10 week for make two new books, and I will have written 12 books in twelve months.
So maybe I just need to live with this, until that is reached....

Just a Hypnotist making games and writing books.

Latest Game (Skyrim ala RPG)... ... RuneChild/

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