Level design challenge - Physical Multiplayer Co-op layout

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Level design challenge - Physical Multiplayer Co-op layout

Unread post by vonknut » 08 Jul 2015, 10:50

Hey all, totally off-topic summer-vacation thread:

I have build a physical playground in my backgarden. A swing + climbing thingy, for my 2 kids (2+5 years old) and now want to expand it - to a awesome, non-serial/linear, crawling extravaganza, where the little ewoks can roam. I already have some of the basics nailed down, e.g. the 2 trees and the swing, which are kinda not possible to move around. But the layout of the rest, could be fun to iterate on.
-so all of a sudden, its actually a level design process :)

And as its a playground, its not a single player map, but a multiplayer arena. And the level should thus not be linear or "serial", but instead circular / parallel (with some crossovers) in either the vertical plane (Y) or on flat plane (X/Z) -and maybe both....

So any level designers out there, who could come up with good ideas or fast scetches?
Or maybe even some which have dabbled with playground design?

Here is the case:

The present terrain mesh (some elements modifiable):



2D Sketch from above:
Crappy perspective sketch:

Prop Static / physics, that can be used:
3,5 bridge / ladder (fully modelled):
8+ m rope bridge (primitives + hinged joints)
Wood stuff (primitives):


Things I can aquire (hollow tube mesh with ice phys-material):

Additional level props can be aquired from asset store (Harald Nyborg)

Any thoughts or good ideas?
Hans von Knut Skovfoged - Creative Dir.
PortaPlay - Interactive Entertainment and Learning

Niels Jørgensen
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Re: Level design challenge - Physical Multiplayer Co-op layo

Unread post by Niels Jørgensen » 08 Jul 2015, 19:21

Haha! Nice - a playground like I remember them - ad-hoc construction that has not been over-regualted into total boredom.

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Re: Level design challenge - Physical Multiplayer Co-op layo

Unread post by vonknut » 09 Jul 2015, 07:51

Yeah exactly, so I have the possibility to make something which is a bit funky, e.g. a triangle layout, making a game of tag / "jorden er giftig" possible or create a non-linear structure, where you can change "lanes" at crossroads. -combined with visually appealing verticality, e.g. criss-crossing rope-bridge/underpasses,
Hans von Knut Skovfoged - Creative Dir.
PortaPlay - Interactive Entertainment and Learning

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Re: Level design challenge - Physical Multiplayer Co-op layo

Unread post by Instawin » 09 Jul 2015, 09:19

If you have ever played some of the LEGO-games, for instance LEGO Batman, Indiana Jones, Super Heroes, etc. Then I bet some inspisration could be found in those. I find the LEGO-crew very capable of making challanges that is a mix of single player, and multiplayer performance.

Thus, some thing might only be achievable by helping each other ... Oh, we might be getting out on a limp here, where you end up building an entire wooden playing castle ... ha ha.

But if some areas of the playing ground were only accessible if the kids workend together ... for instance, one were to pull a rope, in order to elevate a ladder or section of a bridge, for the other to get up higher or cross over, than they would be inspired to work together ...
don't know how feasable this is however ...
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