And hi @
Wow! That's some persistence. Didn't even know Torque was still around. Great they went open source.
And yes it's totally fine posting your project here. It's not the perfect thread for feedback though. But I'll give it a quick shot of the bow.
So I gave it a quick run.. But I never found anything to actually do?! With no multiplayer enabled. It's just en empty non-interactive world as far as I could tell. Kind of beats the purpose of the project. A single player chat room with no one to talk to? Or did I miss something?
Easy fixes:
** Never use Comic Sans. **
The control scheme should be updated to match current conventions.
Use WASD for movement. Space to jump. Hold shift to run.
The cursors keys only and right click to jump approach felt pretty strange and archaic.
Bugfix - I found one thing to do! And that was to die in front of a still standing car. I guess that should be reported as a bug.
Walking speed could also need a tweak to something faster. x2 or something. It's super slow to navigate the world.
Harder fixes:
You really need to add something interesting to the world. In it's current form it's just not doing anything for the player besides exploration. In a so-so graphical world.
Tough choice recommendation:
From a complete outsiders perspective you should kill the project instead of trying to revive it.
And start on something new >small<, fun and fresh.
I think you will also find it WAY more fun and invigorating to do a new, much smaller project with a focus on doing something fun for the player. Perhaps on a new engine?! if you enjoy open source. It's always fun to learn new engines.
But if you still are having fun developing the project after all these years. Than who am I to say. Enjoy your project! I'm not here to take that away from you.
Enjoy what ever path you choose.