Ny single til multi thredding compiler på vej fra Intel.
http://apcmag.com/we_can_transform_sing ... _intel.htm
Modo 302 er landet
http://www.luxology.com/whatismodo/docu ... ements.pdf
Adobe Director 11
* Support for more than 40 video, audio, and image file formats
* Native 3D rendering with DirectX 9 support
* Advanced physics with the included AGEIA™ PhysX™ engine
* Support for Adobe Flash CS3 Professional software and video created with Flash
* Unicode support, including multimode publishing
* Enhanced text rendering engine
* Enhanced user interface
* Enhanced Script Browser and full JavaScript support
* Bitmap filters
* Xtra plug-ins
Fixing Online Gaming Idiocy: A Psychological Approach
In this in-depth article, Fulton discusses why "the online behavior of our customers is dramatically reducing our sales", referencing his social design on Microsoft's Shadowrun to explain how we can dissuade anonymous Internet gamers.
http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/3 ... ocy_a_.php
Photoshop kommer med 64bits support.. kun på windows maskinier