IGDA / DADIU Bar Meeting

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IGDA / DADIU Bar Meeting

Unread post by lissajous » 24 Mar 2010, 19:27

Hi All,

There will be an ad-hoc bar meeting tomorrow night (25th March 2010) up at ITU's Scroll Bar, to celebrate the completion of the DADIU Graduation Games. Come and meet the new blood entering the games industry, and raise a toast to their success alongside your future colleagues / employees / drinking buddies (delete as appropriate).

Many apologies for the late notice - down to circumstances beyond our control, I'm afraid. But we really hope that you can make it despite this, as it will be fantastic opportunity for them to network with industry veterans.

The bar will be opened from around 17:00, but you are of course more than welcome to turn up after work.

If you are considering attending then can you please post below, so that we can gauge interest and ensure that both the bar remains open, and the students remain drinking (not normally a difficult task, I grant you!).

Warmest regards,

David Mariner

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