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Progressive Media wins BrainsBusiness Award 2010

Posted: 06 Oct 2010, 09:46
by jackpotdk
Last night, Progressive Media took home the BrainsBusiness Award 2010. BrainsBusiness is a large private/public partnership organization within the field of ICT, with the purpose of collaboration to support and develop the North Denmark ICT cluster.

We were awarded for successfully combining knowledge and innovation, and turning that into real business. Hooray.

(That's right. It's John Cleese in the picture, clapping at a games company. Nothing can ever top that ;))

Re: Progressive Media wins BrainsBusiness Award 2010

Posted: 06 Oct 2010, 09:56
by vonknut

-var det en UK/ international ting eller hur?
-oghvordan blev i nomineret?

Re: Progressive Media wins BrainsBusiness Award 2010

Posted: 06 Oct 2010, 10:43
by simonmoeller
John Cleese. I svin. Godt kørt! :)

Re: Progressive Media wins BrainsBusiness Award 2010

Posted: 06 Oct 2010, 11:04
by rune
Flot! Stort tillykke!

(sejt med John Cleese)

Re: Progressive Media wins BrainsBusiness Award 2010

Posted: 06 Oct 2010, 12:31
by eMilk
Tillykke! Godt gået ! :)
John Cleese ser overdrevent lykkelig ud - har han købt aktier i Progressive Media? :D

Re: Progressive Media wins BrainsBusiness Award 2010

Posted: 06 Oct 2010, 14:41
by Scurvy Lobster
Awesome! :lol: Tillykke til jer!

Re: Progressive Media wins BrainsBusiness Award 2010

Posted: 06 Oct 2010, 15:26
by Pelle K
Jonh C klapper kun fordi du matcher ham i gangart ;)

Mange gange tillykke. godt gået :)

Re: Progressive Media wins BrainsBusiness Award 2010

Posted: 06 Oct 2010, 20:56
by Gryphon
Tillykke! Godt gået!

Hvad laver Cleese der? ... havde "ÆL-Gigantan" en salgsstand?

Re: Progressive Media wins BrainsBusiness Award 2010

Posted: 06 Oct 2010, 22:09
by Zacker
Stort tillykke! Det er sq flot og fuldt fortjent.

Re: Progressive Media wins BrainsBusiness Award 2010

Posted: 07 Oct 2010, 11:14
by Javira
Sådan drenge....tillykke med det 8-)

Re: Progressive Media wins BrainsBusiness Award 2010

Posted: 07 Oct 2010, 11:23
Super fedt ! Tillykke :-)

Re: Progressive Media wins BrainsBusiness Award 2010

Posted: 07 Oct 2010, 12:53
by christa
Tillykke :D

Re: Progressive Media wins BrainsBusiness Award 2010

Posted: 07 Oct 2010, 13:44
by Neogy
Mega nice, tillykke!