Turbine Claims Double Revenues For F2P Lord Of The Rings MMO

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Turbine Claims Double Revenues For F2P Lord Of The Rings MMO

Unread post by vonknut » 11 Oct 2010, 11:42

http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/3087 ... Online.php

"...both Lord of the Rings Online and Turbine's Dungeon & Dragons Online, shared several statistics from the MMORPG's recent switch, including its 300 percent increase in peak concurrency, or three the times the number of players online simultaneously."

"The online game has also enjoyed a 400 percent increase in total active players. So far, 53 percent of players have used the in-game store,..."
-og hvis revenue er det dobbelte, så må det så betyde at den månedlige spending er stort set identisk for dem der faktisk betaler og de tidligere abonnenter.

"...the developer didn't change its business model because Lord of the Rings Online was in trouble; rather, it believed the game could reach new audiences with this move. The studio saw this first-hand when Dungeons and Dragons Online received a 500 percent revenue boost after its free-to-play shift."

DVS: F-2-P is the new Black...
-hvilket vist også stemmer meget godt overens med folks iphone erfaringer her på foraet (f.eks. Kiloos m.fl).
Hans von Knut Skovfoged - Creative Dir.
PortaPlay - Interactive Entertainment and Learning

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