Dear IGDA members and friends,
Because the location of the General Assembly was not announced in the previous invite - we are now calling for a new General Assembly. The meeting is open for everyone and we hope very much to see new volunteers, as we will need help for many of our IGDA activities such as Nordic Game Jam, Special Interest Group and Leadership Forum Europe.
The General Assembly will be at held at:
Location: Cantina, Pilestræde 43, 3rd floor, 1112 Copenhagen K
Date & time : 5th of May, 18:00 - 19:30
Please have the following options in mind:
If you want to run for a Board position you need to have an international IGDA membership before the General Assembly. You can get an international membership here:
If you want to be eligible to vote you need at least a local membership through IGDA DK. You can get the local membership on the actual General Assembly meeting
According to §9.2 in the bylaws “Proposal to amend the statutes shall be received by the Board the latest one week before the meeting”. Proposals can be mailed to
The agenda for the General Assembly is:
1. Choice of conductor
2. Choice keeper
3. Report of the Chairman and approval by
4. Cashier's fourth report and its approval
5. Set quota
6. Election of Board
7. Election of auditor and deputy auditor
8. Proposals
9. Adoption of how to become a member should be added to the bylaws by vote
Looking forward to seeing you all.
Best regards,