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GamesBusiness conference - Announcement, 15. September 2011

Posted: 18 Jun 2011, 01:44
by jackpotdk
The GamesBusiness conference in Aalborg, Denmark brings together business decision makers from across the games industry for a day of inspirational talks and discussions on four main topics: Business development, fundraising, education and trends.

Experienced game industry speakers and panelist will discuss topics with the audience - Including:

Business development
* Who and what is successful in todays’ gaming landscape. And what defines success?
* Self-publishing - Goldmine or a dead-end?
* Game-related technologies and services - What are the business opportunities outside of “traditional games”.

* How to secure production funding - Models, approaches and pitfalls examined.
* Who invests in games, and why?
* Work for hire - A sustainable business model?

* Game-related education around the world – What’s (not) working.
* Do video game course graduates work in the games industry?
* Responsibilities – Who (government, industry, etc) can or should take part in shaping tomorrows game-related educations.

* Major companies, major or minor roles? Where are Microsofts, Nintendos, Sonys, Apples, Googles and EAs heading, and how will it affect the market?
* Where is “Social games” heading?
* Future opportunities in cross-media and cross-platform.

The conference is backed by major players and organisations in the Danish gaming space - These, as well as speakers, will be announced over the coming few weeks.

For more information and registration, see ... siness.htm

For any questions, ideas or sponsor opportunities, please get in touch with me (

Looking forward to hopefully seeing you all!


Re: GamesBusiness conference - Announcement, 15. September 2

Posted: 28 Aug 2011, 21:38
by Pelle K
Bliver konferencen stadigvæk til noget? Den ligger jo lidt på en skidt dato, og på en dårlig lokation :)

(satans politkere)

Re: GamesBusiness conference - Announcement, 15. September 2

Posted: 02 Sep 2011, 09:18
by jackpotdk
Sorry Pelle, havde ikke set din post!

Konferencen er stadig on - Vi annoncerer i dag (næsten) alle panelists :).

(Og ja, ikke verdens bedste timing af Hr. Rasmussen .. men håber alle kan få det til at fungere alligevel!)


Re: GamesBusiness conference - Announcement, 15. September 2

Posted: 07 Sep 2011, 23:53
by Vanulla_Ace
Linket med program og tilmelding virker ikke for mig. Er det min browser der er lam, oder was? Ville gerne læse lidt mere om arrangementet.

Re: GamesBusiness conference - Announcement, 15. September 2

Posted: 08 Sep 2011, 20:49
by Scurvy Lobster
Linket virker fint her. Går ud fra der menes dette link: ... siness.htm