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Unity 4 announcement

Posted: 18 Jun 2012, 17:49

Unity 4 launches with promise to deliver the 'first democratic AAA game engine'
Everyone can deliver 'groundbreaking games' ... AA-quality

DirectX 11 support, trial Linux deployment and bolstered animation abilities spearhead new feature set ... 4-unveiled

Unity 4 launches with promise to deliver the 'first democratic AAA game engine' ... sp?c=42086

Unity 4 announced
We speak to CEO David Helgason about a host of new features including DirectX 11, Flash export, and Mecanim animation

Unity 4 also introduces, as written in a statement to the press:
• Shuriken particle system supports external forces, bent normals and automatic culling
• 3D texture support
• Navigation: dynamic obstacles and avoidance priority
• Major optimisations in UnityGUI performance and memory usage
• Dynamic fonts on all platforms with HTML-like markup
• Remote Unity Web Player debugging
• New Project Window workflows
• Iterative lightmap baking
• Refined component-based workflows
• Extensible inspectors for custom classes
• Improved Cubemap import pipeline
• Geometry data improvements for huge memory and performance savings
• Meshes can be constructed from non-triangle geometry - render points and lines efficiently
• Search, live preview and buy Asset Store assets from the Project Window

Unity Character Animation GDC 2012 Feature Preview

Hvordan syntes i det lyder?

Re: Unity 4 announcement

Posted: 18 Jun 2012, 18:33
by JesperN
Sweet :)

Re: Unity 4 announcement

Posted: 18 Jun 2012, 22:05
by Tabu
Ja, det lyder meget lækkert.. meeen det lyder lidt mere som en 3.6 end en 4.0 ? men det er måske bare mig der er kræsen?

Re: Unity 4 announcement

Posted: 19 Jun 2012, 09:37
by vonknut
Det kan godt ses som lidt pricy, da mange af tingene allerede kan købes som plugins på asset store for en slik.
-f.eks. GUI/text rendering stuff, navigations AI og mobil optimeret geometri tjuhej.

Men hvis animations-delen sparker røv, så er det næsten før at det kan forsvares, da værdiforøgelsen ved en opgradering fra rimeligt skod => sparker røv, vil gøre en meget stor forskel ift. nuværende tidsforbrug og frustrationer i arbejdet med Unitys animations system :)