Killscreen and OUYA 10-day gamejam (45.000$ in prizes)

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Killscreen and OUYA 10-day gamejam (45.000$ in prizes)

Unread post by eMilk » 12 Jan 2013, 14:28

To celebrate the release of the OUYA Developer Console, we are hosting a 10-day online game jam we're calling CREATE. What is a game jam, you ask? It's a focused get-together where teams make playable games insanely quickly. Your mind will be blown at what a game team can do in 10 days. Many world-class games were initially conceived in a game jam.

To reward the most extraordinary submissions, we will award some prizes. A handful of OUYA supporters (who asked to remain anonymous to keep the focus on the game developers) put together a $45,000 prize pool.
From January 14 to January 23, we will be accepting playable prototype submissions right here. The game doesn't have to be finished, so give it all you've got.
Pretty cool prizes, figured it was worth sharing here.
Oh, and it just so happens the timing works PERFECTLY with Nordic Game Jam, with time left for polish. ;)

Game Jam details here:

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