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Game Design in 80 Days: Challenge One - the toy

Posted: 03 Oct 2008, 15:40
by Miguel
I thought it could be of interest to open a thread, now that some weeks have passed, so those participating can share their work, or comment, or any other thing you think about.

And remember, the first challenge is:

The Toy
Build a software toy.
We understand toy as: “an object, gadget or machine, regarded as providing amusement for an adult” (New Oxford American Dictionary), or as a “tool for entertainment” (Chris Bateman). Think about physics simulations, but also Sim City.
The toy has to be to some extent interactive, with clear rules (Conway’s Game of Life is a toy, to the effects of this challenge). It has to be somewhat amusing, fun, or entertaining.
A toy has no goals, no scores, and no winning condition.

Re: Game Design in 80 Days: Challenge One - the toy

Posted: 03 Oct 2008, 16:51
Quick question how many groups are in it?

Re: Game Design in 80 Days: Challenge One - the toy

Posted: 04 Oct 2008, 17:37
by Zee
Jonaz: Det vides ikke rigtigt, da eventet ikke kræver nogen tilmelding. Alle der har læst posts/e-mail om det kan deltage. Og der er ingen krav til størrelsen af gruppe, man kan også arbejde alene.
Der var ca. 30 til første møde på ITU, men der er ingen garanti for hvor mange af disse der deltager, og hvor mange der ikke var med på ITU der deltager. Det vil vise sig til første præsentation :)