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Game Design in 80 Days, Challenge Two: The Goal

Posted: 31 Oct 2008, 11:08
by Miguel
As you know, on Thursday, October 30th, we met to show the results of the first challenge,
and present the second challenge.

Thanks to those who attended for
showcasing interesting, exciting software toys! The level is certainly

Anyway, for those of you who could not make it, this is challenge 2:

Challenge 2: The Goal

Add a goal to the toy.

We understand goal as “an aim or desired result” (New Oxford American
Dictionary). A goal turns a toy into a game, defined as a “toy with some
degree of performance” (Chris Bateman).

The goal can either evaluate players actions (scores), or bring the toy to
an endstate (winning condition).

The goal should be added to the toy without requiring the creation of
specific challenges, adversaries, or special game-tokens like power-ups.
The goal ought to come from the interactive structure of the software toy.

Remember - we will meet again for sharing and playing games, and some
drinks, November 19th (notice - a wednesday!) at 19:00 at the Scroll Bar,
IT University.

Looking forward to seeing all your games!

Miguel & IGDA Denmark