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Join us for #SpilBar no 20 - This tuesday, June 17th!

Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 16:46
by KirstineA
Invitation: SpilBar 20: So F****** Special

So F****** Special?
At this special edition of SpilBar – the 20th anniversary – we want to take a look in the mirror. We want to look in from the outside and out from the inside of games. We want to highlight what makes games relevant, what is especially good, bad, or peculiar about the industry and medium, and why do we keep doubting it all? Are we so f****** special and if so – how?

Where: Pumpehuset, Studiestræde 52, 1554 Copenhagen V
When: Tuesday, June 17th from 16:30 to 22:00
Beers by Character /!

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Join us :-D