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Unreal Engine Meetup at ITU

Posted: 10 Dec 2014, 13:43
by TillRiemer
Hi everyone!

On Friday evening, the 12th of December, Epic Games, in cooperation with the IT University of Copenhagen, would like to invite you to Denmark's first Unreal Evening!

Unreal Engine Evangelist Sjoerd De Jong will tell you all about Unreal Engine 4, along with a talk from ITU student Michał Królikowski about how his start with UE4 has been!

Afterwards there will be free drinks, an Unreal game jam from the students of ITU, and a chance to play some of the student projects, along with plenty of time to ask questions!
As a special treat, Epic Games is giving everybody who attends a one year complimentary UE4 license!

When: December 12. 16.00 until 18.00 - ITU student project presentations, 18.00 until 20.00 - Unreal Engine 4 presentations.
Where: IT University of Copenhagen, Auditorium 1, Rued Langgaards Vej 7, 2300 Copenhagen
Price: Free!

We know that there is also the big party in Spilhuset, so we've arranged it that the talks end at 20.00 - you can grab some free pre-drinks and then head on to the party!

Facebook Event:
Twitch Livestream (from 16:00):

Re: Unreal Engine Meetup at ITU

Posted: 10 Dec 2014, 20:16
by Hourences
Hi all!

To reinforce what Till just posted, you are all more than welcome to join in! We are open to everyone who is interested in hearing more about UE4!
