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Strange mail about name/copyright registration in China?

Posted: 05 Mar 2016, 17:04
by Wikzo
Hi all.

We (Tunnel Vision Games) recently received a rather strange-looking e-mail. We are unsure if this is just SPAM, or if we should take it seriously. Has anybody received something similarly?
(Please forward this to your CEO or President, because this is urgent. )

Dear President & CEO,

This email is from China IPR Office, which mainly deal with trademark and domain name registration internationally. We received an application from RMS Industries Ltd on Mar 1,2016. They want to register " tunnelvisiongames " as their International Trademark and some Domain(.asia/.cn/

We checked and found the keyword is your company's registered trademark. But have not yet registered internationally. So we inform you to confirm whether this registration will affect and conflict your company. If this registration will not affect and conflict your company, then we can finish registering for them as per our duty. If this registration will affect and conflict your company. Please contact us by telephone or email within 10 workdays, so we can better handle the issue.

Leo Ren

International Department Manager

China IPR
3/F,1st Building ZongFu Street ,
No.47,Jinjiang District, ChengDu
Tel: (86) 87775008
Fax: (86) 52465008
We own the domain name, but haven't done anything additionally to claim the name itself. Should we do that? (we are still a student/hobby studio)

Re: Strange mail about name/copyright registration in China?

Posted: 05 Mar 2016, 22:08
Ville ikke stole meget på ;)
Low trust. ...

Går det ellers godt med jeres projekt(er)?

Re: Strange mail about name/copyright registration in China?

Posted: 06 Mar 2016, 14:47
by Wikzo
Alright. Vi er ved at finde ud af det økonomiske, da vi snart er ved at være færdige med vores uddannelse.

Re: Strange mail about name/copyright registration in China?

Posted: 09 Mar 2016, 00:15
by uluulu
Det er en gammel scam model som stadig virker.

Hvis du ringer til dem (eller andre i HK og Kina) kan det ende med at du kommer til at betaler 1,000 USD eller mere for en domain registrering som normalt kun koster 15-20 USD. For de virkeligt uheldige, kan du også komme til at skrive under på at de forresten også må administrere dit domaine for et par tusinde ekstra, og før du har set dig om så sidder de som ejere af domainet og du betaler leje til dem for at få lov til at skulle bruge det.