Kickstarter campaign feedback + Suggest a mobile game dev.

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Kickstarter campaign feedback + Suggest a mobile game dev.

Unread post by emilarsen » 02 Jul 2017, 21:44

Hi guys,

I hope you're all doing great :)
I currently have two matters that I'd like to hear your opinions on.

--- Kickstarter campaign feedback ---
After a long, challenging and almost back-breaking experience with publishing Burning Suns (board game), I'm finally in a position where I can start preparing for my next game Burning Rome (card game) on Kickstarter.


You can see the campaign preview here:

I'd like to hear what you guys think of the campaign, what works and what can I do better?


--- Suggest a mobile game developer ---
On another note - regarding the same game though. I'd love to hear if you know any mobile game developers, who might be interested in taking a card game to the mobile market.
Burning Rome has a mobile/handheld friendly setup and flow, with an easy to grasp game play that makes for quick games with a "Hearthstone-ish" feel, without treading the same tropes and without the CCG (collectible card game) element.
Burning Rome consist of factions (e.g. Rome, Carthage, Persia, Eqypt etc.), which makes it easy to create "faction packs" for purchase, so people can expand their collection in complete packs at a time, think in terms of LCG (Living Card Games).


Do you know any good mobile game developers where you imagine such a game would be a fit? It doesn't have to be within Denmark.. it's just the first place I'd look ;)

In advance, thanks a lot for your time :)
Best regards Emil

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Re: Kickstarter campaign feedback + Suggest a mobile game de

Unread post by » 04 Jul 2017, 10:58

Cool! Best of luck with the project. Always kickstarting something Emil. :)

I don't know if the theme is that strong in the broad sense? Visually the realistic historical approach seems a little dull I'm sorry to say. That's my gut feeling. Maybe you will hit some niche out there.

Are you working on a presentation video? Or are planning to launch without one? That would be quite a risk to run.

I would consider having a much stronger top banner. An image that will really inspire a Roman war fantasy.

The goal seems a bit too high.

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Re: Kickstarter campaign feedback + Suggest a mobile game de

Unread post by Pixie3D » 04 Jul 2017, 11:03

Det ser interessant ud.

Held og lykke med projektet.

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Re: Kickstarter campaign feedback + Suggest a mobile game de

Unread post by emilarsen » 04 Jul 2017, 11:46

@Jonaz: Thanks a lot - I hope I can harness the luck :)

- I believe the theme has enough going for it, like the Total War series (which is where it all started out, and yes - I wrote them :D ...). It's also well represented in the board gaming world.
- Yup, I'm just about to do my video. Which is always the "weirdest" part of it.
- Check, that makes sense with a more vivid top picture.
- I hope the goal is reasonable... my last goal was £40.000 with a base pledge of 3 times the current base pledge, so it should be within an achievable budget. Approx. 420 backers are needed to reach the funding goal.

Thank you for looking it through Jonaz, much appreciated :)

@Pixie3D - Mange tak :)

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Re: Kickstarter campaign feedback + Suggest a mobile game de

Unread post by » 20 Jul 2017, 15:40

Looking like you are off to a good start! May you keep the momentum. Even in this tricky vacation time. :)
And good job with the video. ... rning-rome

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Re: Kickstarter campaign feedback + Suggest a mobile game de

Unread post by emilarsen » 20 Jul 2017, 16:57

Thanks a lot Jonaz :)

Yea, it's a bit tricky in this period without a huge following, and the theme is also somewhat niche, compare to Fantasy, Sci-fi and what not ;)
I hope I can keep it going and reach somewhere north of the goal.

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Re: Kickstarter campaign feedback + Suggest a mobile game de

Unread post by Jan Borg » 28 Jul 2017, 18:46

Hello Emil.
We would like to help you create the mobile game. We have a solid mobile game portfolio and are, coincidentally, about to finish a Heartstoneish mobile card game. We have time for some new projects since we are also about to successfully conclude a project for a another customer/partner, which is Tiny Red Camel and the wonderful game Shrug Island. The game/team is a Kickstarter success, steam greenlit and award winning (Indiecde EU developer award)
Take a look and please contact us
Best regards Jan

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Re: Kickstarter campaign feedback + Suggest a mobile game de

Unread post by emilarsen » 28 Jul 2017, 21:41

Hi Jan,
Thank you for reaching out. I'll send you a mail asap :)
Best regards Emil

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