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Rokoko Smartsuit Pro for mocap

Posted: 11 Jul 2017, 10:40
by uluulu
Have anyone tried the Smartsuit Pro yet?

What is the experience with it and do anyone know if it is able to capture finger finger/hand gestures as well, or know what gesture system that works in tandem with the suit?

Do anyone know if there is a mocap studio in Copenhagen / Malmoe area that you can lease time in? (that hopefully are reasonably priced)

Re: Rokoko Smartsuit Pro for mocap

Posted: 11 Jul 2017, 16:31
I have not personal experience with the Smartsuit Pro.
No known finger capture.

However I did see it performing at Spilprisen here last time.
Sadly I would not call that presentation overwhelming.
I do love the concept of affordable freeform motion capture and I wish them the best. :)

But was I witnessed was not ready for any final quality realtime motion capture.
Limbs would on occasion have trouble following the rigged StikBold character. There was some weird arm flipping. And the stance and motion translation was very "flat" and odd. Calved knees, floaty feet and such.

Maybe they were unlucky with some hasty setup and a very simple lowpoly character. And could perform better with more time and care. I don't know!?
Their demo FBX seems somewhat reasonable. A few issues. But hard to truly judge on a non-skinned rig.
But talk to them! They are very local! :)

Also there is Perception Neuron. Don't know if it's any better. Seems more affordable. And supports finger capture.

IO should have a big ass Vicon setup on a floor. Perhaps if you have special connections and/or money they would be nice to you?

Re: Rokoko Smartsuit Pro for mocap

Posted: 12 Jul 2017, 15:14
by Vanulla_Ace
I had a bit to do with Spilprisen this year, and I'd say that the performance on stage did not show the full potential of the SmartSuit.

I know, that there was a lot of trouble getting it to work. As I remember, the extensive wirering on stage for lights, pullys etc. (since it took place on a theatre stage) was interfering with the sensors.

But maybe the easiest would just be to contact Rokoko and hear, if they are doing any showcases in the near future, where you could see the suit in action? Otherwise, I know that they are supplying some gear for an upcoming MoCap game jam at Idea's Lab in Aarhus, if you're up for travelling. ... 4106152420

Re: Rokoko Smartsuit Pro for mocap

Posted: 15 Jul 2017, 00:26
by uluulu
Thanks for the answers to this one here.

Didn't think about IO and their setup, but its worth a try and do know one (or two) who survived the last layoff massacre there.

I wrote Rococo and waiting for them to reply - hopefully sometimes next week.
Btw. Neuron have, or at least had, the same occasional glitching when multiple suits were positioned near each other, but I think it is fine when you are doing initial tests with a single actor or trying out small scenes. There is a lot more cleanup to do compared to Vicon or Qualisys (but they are of course expensive as hell compared).

Aarhus is not that far from Cph, imo, but I'm not in Denmark at that time so won't be popping by.