Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

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Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 30 Jan 2023, 22:42


WHOO HOOOO!! Happy birthday to Spiludvikling.dk! 20 years old!!!

Damn!! Feels like 10 years ago we had the 10 years birthday party! :D ;)

Hmm.. maybe thinking it would be nice to do some sort of super rare social gathering for people who drop by the site and games industry people. But honestly there is no way in haaallh I have time to arrange such an elaborate party with DJs, disco light, bands playing, free bar, arcade machines and mechanical bull riding while playing the Duke Nukem theme as I did 10 years ago. Great party by the way.. I was a bit too busy arranging to really chill and enjoy it, but good times! :)
Maybe some sort of more casual gathering at a fairly large bar at some point later this year might happen?!
Any ideas for such a place? Let me know!

I was actually a bit busy with a a very cool project at the moment so the birthday almost slipped my mind. :blush
The spiludvikling.dk domain was registered on the 9th of January 2003.
Can't remember the exact date the site went live. But it wasn't that long after me and Olander got the site up and running. Olander left the site some years later and I have been running it out of my own pocket ever since (no ads, sponsors or anything like that).

So just saying thanks for dropping by the site and getting terrorized by my random musings! Sorry guys if I am a bit tough on your creative endeavors sometimes. It's 'tough love' here! ;)

Cheers lads and ladies!

And awwww.. found the first old site banner.. it's still the best! <3
(I modeled the tank for an old game project at the time.. could still be a fun game come to think it, if fully realized)

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by Code » 31 Jan 2023, 00:09

Big congratz on 20 years of legendary website 🎊🎉😁
Thanks for keeping it going for all these years!
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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 31 Jan 2023, 00:57

@Code wooop wooop! Thanks man! :D

Much appreciated! <3

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by Roquqkie » 31 Jan 2023, 08:37

Congrats and thank you for all the good times in the spiludvikling.dk community 😍🙌

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by Copenhagenjazz » 31 Jan 2023, 10:54

Yeah thanks for the effort and keeping this site alive jonaz! Really awesome for the danish industry to have a "home". I am not super active here but I do check the site daily (being the nosy bugger I am) :D A meetup would be fun!
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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 31 Jan 2023, 12:39

@Roquqkie Wooop thanks man! :D
Hope everything is sweet in your entrepreneurial non-gamedev world.
There is still a story about some bottles from the last party. It will never been forgotten. ;)

Yay Jazzman! Thanks! Happy for your rare posts once in a while. Always quality! :)
Hope things are fine and nice to see you a little while back... still in hush hush mode here. ;)

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by Neogy » 02 Feb 2023, 00:45

You've unlocked the "You Rock!" achievement and congratulations!

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by fallspace » 02 Feb 2023, 10:01

Congrats Jonas. And everyone else of course. 😄
I haven't been here for years, but I'm so glad to see that it is still going. I really should drop by more often.

Here's to another 20y 🥂


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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 02 Feb 2023, 11:49

Yay! Thanks man! You should drop by Copenhagen more. :D
But always nice when I bump into you!

Wooop thanks Simon!!! :D
Hehe yeah I guess it's sort of rare for many people to drop by these little obscure, niche, old fashioned internet forums nowadays! ;)

See you around! An old timer ITE gathering would be nice some day :)

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by fallspace » 02 Feb 2023, 13:47

I think I remember that 10y anniversary party! If I remember correctly we brought a giant Mini Ninjas poster as a present. :D

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 02 Feb 2023, 14:37

Yup! You did! Still have it! :)

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by eMilk » 07 Feb 2023, 16:37

I just checked my post history here, and while I wasn't here for the start of the site, spiludvikling.dk was there for me when I got started making games.

Spiludvikling.dk being run entirely on the passion (plus phpbb-related sweat and tears and Jonaz' own savings account) of a few people makes it a great metaphor both of how this industry in Denmark has started, and how it continues to grow out of a shared history and roots that - for most of us - lead back to here.

Out of all the game spaces I've been a part of over the years, spiludvikling.dk stands out as somewhere where we were all made to feel welcome regardless of how many (or few) games we've made. I keep running into people I first met "for real" at that spiludvikling.dk party 10 years ago.

Thanks @jonaz.dk for making the space of fledgling game developers in Denmark a more welcoming and inclusive one!

We all owe you more beers for hosting-upkeep and providing this space free of charge, so I doubt I can ever repay you - but I promise I'll pay for beers whenever I see you as a way of paying something back to this great space you've created and maintained throughout 20 great years. :heart:

Here's to 20 more years of @jonaz.dk and spiludvikling.dk! :beers:

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 08 Feb 2023, 00:51

Awwwwwwww you! Thanks Emil! <3
So kind words! :D

Let me know when ever you are on 'Devil Island' :)
Apparently you have a lot of mental-beer-debt I should relive you from. ;)

Cheers and brohugs!

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by ZeroHero » 08 Feb 2023, 18:44


I have spent a lot of time on this forum over the years.

Massive respect to @jonaz.dk for nurturing and keeping the forum awesome as well as providing new content by posting regular news.

I don't live in Denmark anymore but I would be happy to pop around Compenhagen for a social event in respect for the community.

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 08 Feb 2023, 21:41


Wooop! Thanks Søren!! :D

Would be totally awesome of you to drop by good ol' Denmark if you can fit it in and I have yet to meet you. :)
I guess it might go well with some friends/family visit with the little one and such. OR as a brief escape from family duties.. depending! ;)

You are welcome to suggest some dates that could work for you. I guess you are THE one person with most travel time/coordination for such an event.
(Ps.. generally, even week Fridays works here)


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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by ZeroHero » 09 Feb 2023, 12:18

@jonaz.dk That sounds brilliant. As you know I have a little son and partner and I suggested it to my partner and she said she would love to go as well as she loves Copenhagen. So, we might make a small family trip out of it. We are thinking of going in the Easter break or do your think that would be too late? If so, we can try to find a date earlier.

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 09 Feb 2023, 12:48


Cool! Sounds great! She and kiddo would be more than welcome if it comes to that. :D

During Easter might be possible. I'll give it a positive thought! Maybe early so people are not completely off on holidays.
I should probably do a Doodle to see if something like that fits for a larger amount of people in that time frame. More on that later.

It could also be further out in the future no worries there.

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by ZeroHero » 11 Feb 2023, 01:16

@jonaz.dk For nostalgic reasons, could you bring back the old banner and maybe the light grey background theme for the forum? To this day, that is the look I associate with this site 🙂

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 11 Feb 2023, 10:19

😊 cute thought!
I recall the older themes for phpbb no longer works for the newer phpbb version.

A substitue would probably be possible.
Wouldn't be the real thing though.

Maybe i'll give it a shot at some point for fun. But it would be a lowprio task though and for a limited time.

I'm all about dark mode in everything nowadays. 👍 so much more pleasant for the old eyes.

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by AcesGames » 11 Feb 2023, 12:32

Hej @jonaz.dk . Stort tillykke med fødselsdagen af spiludvikling.dk!
Jamen som tiden dog flyver. 8O
Jeg må sige at det er ret imponerende, hvad dig og din makker har opnået gennem årene og hvilke tid og kræfter I har lagt i dette forum.
Jeg har allerede haft meget glæde af forummet, siden jeg oprettede min profil tilbage i 2019.
Kæmpe respekt for, at du altid har taget dig tid til at besvare mange af vores opslag og altid kommer med konstruktiv feedback på vores projekter. Det skal du have tak for!
Håber på de næste 20 år bliver mindst ligeså gode. :)

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 11 Feb 2023, 20:50


Woohoooo!!! 1000 tak Aces!

Kun glad for at folk kan bruge det til noget. 😎👍

Selvom det er hårde odds at holde kørende med dagens internet/SoMe situation.

Ja prøver altid at give god feedback på det pågældende projekt og situation.

Takker igen! Dejligt! 😁

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by Jesper Nielsen » 18 Feb 2023, 03:31

Happy Birthday Spiludvikling!
I do miss the days when forums were the place to be.
Twitter and Discord are fine for meeting and reaching a lot of people but the way content just rushes past and becomes forgotten almost before it's written is so weird sometimes.
I probably won't be able to come to Copenhagen - but there's a pretty high chance I'll be at Viborg Game Festival this year again - last year it was really great showcasing the game and meeting other indie devs.

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 18 Feb 2023, 23:26

@Jesper Nielsen
Wooop! THANKS Jesper! :D

Who knows! Maybe I'll drop by Viborg Game Festival this year. Would be fun say hi! :D
My general Jutland visits are a bit overdue and I might even have a quest there. :)

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Re: Spiludvikling.dk 20 YEARS OLD!!

Unread post by ZeroHero » 21 Feb 2023, 12:12

@Jesper Nielsen Jeg er helt enig med dig. For mig er dedikerede forums som dette forum meget bedre end social media da Indhold forsvinder og bliver hurtigt gemt hurtigt.

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