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IGDA Denmark Special Interest Groups Launch Party

Posted: 10 Jun 2009, 12:13
by Anders Højsted
The Danish Chapter of International Game Developer’s Association launches Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and you are invited to join!

The Danish Chapter of IGDA (IGDA.DK) continues our work for the danish game development community by launching SIGs in Game Design, Audio Design, Quality Assurance & Game Business.

SIGs are groups of people with an interest in the relevant topic that meets on a regular basis to exchange knowledge, network or discuss developments within the field. The SIGs are coordinated by Participation in the SIGs is free and doesn’t require membership of IGDA. is making a Launch Party for the SIGs on 18:00 Thursday 25 of June at the Scrollbar in the IT-University Of Copenhagen. At the event you’ll be able to learn about the IGDA, meet the coordinators of the different SIGs and participate in the first SIG-meetings where you’ll be able to influence the future development of the SIGs.

We’re launching 4 SIGs:
Game Design SIG is coordinated by Miguel Sicart. Miguel is Assistant Professor at the Center for Computer Game Research, IT University of Copenhagen and have recently released his first book – The Ethics Of Computergames – at MIT Press. He teaches Game Design & Game Theory at the IT-University in Copenhagen.

Audio Design SIG is coordinated by Nevin Eronde from Nevin Sound. Nevin is a freelance audio designer and have done audio design for among others NDS, Krea Media & Sirius Games. Her weblog is at Read more:

Game Business SIG is coordinated by David Mariner. David is business developer & innovation manager at NDS Denmark, where he works with games & interactive tv. He has two decades of industry experience and is renowned for his ability to give feedback on game company ideas.

Quality Assurance SIG
is coordinated by Marck Petersen. Marck is certified PRINCE2 project manager & Scrum master, works as a QA consultant and have done QA at Sirius Games. Projectmanagement & QA is his professional life. Read more:

If you have an interest in any of these topics, please come to the event and participate in the SIGs. If you have other fields that you think would benefit from a SIG and you’d like to coordinate it, please don’t be shy to volunteer.

The Program for Launch Event:

18:00 Opening, short introduction to the IGDA & the SIGs
19:00 SIG meetup: the various SIGs meet up and discuss where to take the SIGs
20:30 Mingling, networking & Guitar Hero: Metallica tournament @ Scrollbar.

WHEN: 25 of June 18:00
WHERE: SCROLLBAR @ IT-University Of Copenhagen, Rued Langgaards Vej 7, 2300 Copenhagen S.
WHY: Because you’re into games & love hanging out with people that are too.

Please direct any questions regarding the event to Anders Højsted,

Looking forward to seeing you there,
Anders Højsted,
On behalf of the danish chapter of IGDA

Re: IGDA Denmark Special Interest Groups Launch Party

Posted: 12 Jun 2009, 16:43
by davidhelgason
I'll try to be there for the Business SIG.

We had an event like this last autumn (or thereabouts), and it was one of the more inspiring events I've ever been to. Also, David Mariner is a real visionary in our space, so one can expect a really high level of discourse.


Re: IGDA Denmark Special Interest Groups Launch Party

Posted: 13 Jun 2009, 13:13
Helt enig med David.
business snak sidste år var super inspirerende. jeg forventer at kigge forbi.
og anbefaler alle andre med samme interesse at gøre det.

Re: IGDA Denmark Special Interest Groups Launch Party

Posted: 13 Jun 2009, 16:02
by Anders Højsted
Lille rettelse:
Scrollbar åbner kl. 18:00; arrangementet begynder kl. 18:30.

Minor correction:
Scrollbar opens at 18:00, the proceedings begin at 18:30.


Re: IGDA Denmark Special Interest Groups Launch Party

Posted: 17 Jun 2009, 21:20
by Anders Højsted
Quick question: Per Rasmussen wants to start up a Graphics Programming SIG. We've been talking about launching it at this event, - would you be interested in participating?

BTW: feel free to invite more people for the event. The value of the SIGs depends on the number of participants.


Re: IGDA Denmark Special Interest Groups Launch Party

Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 23:42
by Gorm

Re: IGDA Denmark Special Interest Groups Launch Party

Posted: 25 Jun 2009, 00:37
by emilarsen
Årh, noget projektledelse... lir :P

Ses der!

Re: IGDA Denmark Special Interest Groups Launch Party

Posted: 26 Jun 2009, 14:29
by fehaar
Tak for i går alle sammen. Super hyggeligt arrangement. Fedt at se at der sker noget aktivt i IGDA regi herhjemme. Glæder mig allerede til vi skal mødes igen.

BTW: Man, jeg sparkede jeres røv i GH... ;-)

Re: IGDA Denmark Special Interest Groups Launch Party

Posted: 10 Sep 2009, 00:35
by Gorm
Så gentages succéssen. Sæt kryds i kalenderen torsdag d. 24. September. Mere info følger.. :)

Re: IGDA Denmark Special Interest Groups Launch Party

Posted: 10 Sep 2009, 10:56
by Lau Korsgaard
Yes, launch party nummer to. God stil

Re: IGDA Denmark Special Interest Groups Launch Party

Posted: 08 Nov 2010, 15:35
by eran
I love partying, so where's the IDGA venue happening, my Danish is not good but I thin I can manage. Miguel Sicart I have a friend I think that professionally contribut to your gaming design, he's got some years of experience in the graphic side and design side of things, maybe I can bring him over if IGDA can offer some kind of discount without sounding too stupid! Thanks again for your reference to Prince2 training which has been my issue for some time so I think if anyone can help me with this I would appreciate much. I'm considering it at the Nordics which I think is a great place to be certified and work. But I still need some further guidance before jumping into conclusions.