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Press release: Unity Doubles Up

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 15:42
Unity Doubles Up – 100% increase in sales, community and staff - browser based gaming engine fuels company growth.

Sales more than doubled; Community participation more than doubled; Team size doubled.

San Francisco, CA, USA. 20th July 2009. Unity Technologies, the provider of the revolutionary Unity development platform today released Unity 2.5.1 and announced a 100% growth in sales, community participation and staffing.

David Helgason, CEO of Unity Technologies commented, “We seem to have struck a chord with the community, professional developers and new companies looking at ways to engage with their audience through web based games.”

He continued, “There’s been a fundamental shift towards web based games and MMO’s which has now reached a tipping point in the west. There’s no turning the clock back.”

License sales for Unity have increased by 100% in the past 6 months – a firm indicator that the company is poised for rapid growth. Recently announced research showed the market for online games hit a peak of 87 million users in the month of May 2009 in the U.S. alone.*

In addition to the doubling of its sales the company has also doubled the number of staff due and has immediate openings for an additional 20 people in the San Francisco office, across a variety of positions with more vacancies anticipated towards the end of 2009.

The rapid rise of Unity is largely led by the vocal support of it’s customers. From the activity in it’s forums and the number of new blogs and other web activity data suggests that the Unity community has also doubled in the past 6 six months.

From the former art students of Mika Mobile who scored a No.1 on the App Store with ZombievilleUSA to corporations like Cartoon Network and Knowledge Adventure with everyone in between. The broad customer base and diverse range of games produced with Unity demonstrate the technology’s flexibility, ease of use and high end production values.

Unity is the Platinum Sponsor at the upcoming Casual Connect conference in Seattle. For a demo or to make an appointment to chat to Unity click this link Or email to s-Unity [snabela]

Re: Press release: Unity Doubles Up

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 16:32
by Peter
Godt gået David og co. I fortjener det sq med alt det hårde arbejde i har lagt over årene :)

- Peter

Re: Press release: Unity Doubles Up

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 16:54
by Mikkel Christensen
Flot benarbejde drenge! Glæder mig sådan til at få købt mig en unity licens.

Re: Press release: Unity Doubles Up

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 17:57
by petervesti
Yep super godt arbejde. Jeg glaeder mig ogsaa til, at faa fat i en licens til et lille sideprojekt - naar jeg faar tid til det!

Re: Press release: Unity Doubles Up

Posted: 21 Jul 2009, 14:43
by Zacker
Tillykke med det drenge, det er sq godt at høre! Og fuldt fortjent for et firma, hvis administrerende direktør med glæde debugger andre folks kode kl. 4 en lørdag nat :)

Re: Press release: Unity Doubles Up

Posted: 21 Jul 2009, 16:32
by davidhelgason
... han er bare ikke så skarp til det mere efter at have udsat sin hjerne for for meget business alle de år :)

Tak for støtten, og vi glæder os til de næste mange år i branchen.


Re: Press release: Unity Doubles Up

Posted: 22 Jul 2009, 12:39
by henrik_weide
Coolt :)

Hvor mange er i nu? (hvis man må spørge? ;-) )
