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Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 13:22
by NevinSound
Nordic Game Jam 2010 which takes place at IT University is a competition where talented individuals, professionals, hobbyists and the new generation of game developers meet on common ground and work together in a fun and intense atmosphere of creativity and experimentation. It is one of the vehicles behind the new generation of game developers that can experiment with platforms and game ideas in an intense and yet still informal atmosphere.

If you urge to create a game, collaborate and meet other game developers - then Nordic Game Jam is the perfect place for you. As a participant at the Nordic Game Jam you will be part of a global event of creativity and fun.

Nordic Game Jam 2010 has announced the start of sign up at the web site They expect to increase the numbers of participants from 150 to 250 this year. Furthermore the Nordic Game Jam 2010 will also accommodate Peter Molyneux, the Creative Director of Microsoft Game Studios, Europe. He will kick-off the game jam by giving a key note on Friday 29/1 2010 at 18:00. Additionally the Nordic Game Jam will in co-operation the Nordic Game Program - - for the first time find the Best New Nordic Talent Nominees. The winner will be announced later on the Nordic Game Conference 2010 in Malmö.

This year the Nordic Game Jam will have two other competition tracks running at the same time as the game jam.

1. The Machinima Track. Machinima is a competition, where the participants make a film based on recordings from a computergame or an online community. Machinima is a new way of interpreting the computer game media, as it opens up for collaboration with other people across online networks. You can read more about Machinima on:

2. De Unge Spiludviklere - an association, that was founded in January 2009: This competition track is targeted highschool students that are interested in game development. Prior to the actual competition, they will attend a workshop on game engines and how to develop games.

The Nordic Game Jam 2010 will follow the same format like previous years, as an event where students, hobbyists and professional game developers, meet up for a weekend to develop and experiment with new and innovative game ideas. The friendly competition of 48 hours will take place at IT University from 29 - 31 January 2010.

For the sign up, sponsorship and news updates on the event - please check out the web site

Looking forward to seeing you all!

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 14:23
by ZeroHero
Super fedt at havde Peter Molyneux med! Det alene ville vaere grund nok til at jeg tog afsted, hvis jeg altsaa havde tiden til det! :(

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 00:54
by petervesti
Meget imponerende at I har faaet Mr. M. til at stille op maa jeg sige. Haaber jeg har tid til at deltage igen i aar =)

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 22 Nov 2009, 19:57
by Wikzo
Ævsen! Skal danse lanciers til 3g skolefest den fredag :(

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 22 Nov 2009, 23:47
by Chrono
Ærgerligt, men du får det da sikkert meget sjovere end dine klassekamerater.

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 23 Nov 2009, 10:24
by Tabu
Hvad sker der for Paypal only betaling?!?!

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 23 Nov 2009, 13:54
by NevinSound
Hi all,

We are working on the PayPal payment system now - will return soon with more info.

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 23 Nov 2009, 15:04
by NevinSound
PayPal online payment is working :)

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 23 Nov 2009, 23:43
by Gorm
Tabu wrote:Hvad sker der for Paypal only betaling?!?!
I know! Men det er altså bare så meget nemmere for os som arrangerer eventen at administrere det. Det gamle system med at skulle krydsreferere 200 mennesker mellem en tilmeldingsliste og en kontoudskrift er altså ret broken ;)

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 06 Dec 2009, 19:27
by Gorm
Så er der kun én uge til early bird prisen udløber. Skyynd jer :-)

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 08 Dec 2009, 11:21
by JeppeKM
Se nu, du fik mig til at bruge penge! :P

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 00:47
by Gorm
Det var godt. Nogen skal jo holde økonomien igang :D

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 15 Dec 2009, 02:58
by petervesti
Kan man i aar ikke se hvem der har signet up?

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 15 Dec 2009, 08:43
by Gorm
petervesti wrote:Kan man i aar ikke se hvem der har signet up?
Det er på vej :-). Indtil da kan jeg fortælle at interessen i år har været overvældende. I skrivende stund har vi 121 tilmeldte til eventen, og 181 profiler på IGDA.DK. Det er ret meget i forhold til sidste år.

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 15 Dec 2009, 10:58
by Anders Højsted
Gorm wrote:
petervesti wrote:Kan man i aar ikke se hvem der har signet up?
Det er på vej :-). Indtil da kan jeg fortælle at interessen i år har været overvældende. I skrivende stund har vi 121 tilmeldte til eventen, og 181 profiler på IGDA.DK. Det er ret meget i forhold til sidste år.
...og vi knokler med at lave det til en fed begivenhed for alle involverede. Seriøst:K-N-O-K-L-E-R.

Glæd jer, - det bliver superfedt :)


Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 15 Dec 2009, 15:24
by petervesti
Lyder godt! Det har bare at vaere godt. KBH er jo en halv dagsrejse her fra Derby!

Men jeg har koebt billet og ser frem til at lave "Governator 2010"

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 16 Dec 2009, 21:52
by Gorm
petervesti wrote:Lyder godt! Det har bare at vaere godt. KBH er jo en halv dagsrejse her fra Derby!

Men jeg har koebt billet og ser frem til at lave "Governator 2010"
Hvor er du sej! Jeg håber vi kan leve op til forventningerne. Forresten så er governator jo i byen ..

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 16 Dec 2009, 22:33
by petervesti
Ja det er en del af vores PR-indsats =)

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 12 Jan 2010, 00:16
by NevinSound
Hi all,

Just want to let you know that the entrance ticket to Nordic Game Jam will go up to the full price after Friday the 15 January. So hurry if you want to make a bargain!!!

You can sign up here:

Looking forward to seeing you all :-)

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 03 Feb 2010, 09:48
by JeppeKM
Er der lavet en officiel liste over vindere endnu?

Re: Nordic Game Jam 2010 - Sign Up!

Posted: 03 Feb 2010, 10:32
by NevinSound
Der kommer en liste over de 12 bedste spil, som blev stemt videre til finalen. Vi poster et link når den er klar :)