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2D Artist/Graphical Designer Seeks Unpaid Internship

Posted: 06 Aug 2010, 14:37
by N.W.S
Hello there.

I have recently completed my bachelor in graphical design and illustration at Designskolen Kolding in Denmark, and I am now onto my candidate. A 4 month internship is part of this candidate.
I did my bachelor as art director on the one month DADIU production Imachination ( which was great fun and a success.

So I am now looking for an unpaid internship in an art department as a 2D artist/illustrator and/or graphical designer preferable fall 2010 (Sept.-Dec.) or alternatively spring 2011 (Jan.-April). I'm willing to move.

I am 23 Danish guy who have a passion for games and art, which have followed me ever since my childhood. I am enthusiastic about my work and appreciate teamwork, deadlines and direction as key elements in making kick-ass products.
I have a knack for software and pick up programs easily. My experience spans Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, AfterEffects, Maya, 3D Max, CrazyBump as well as a little Z-brush and Sketch-Up.
Drawing skills are best assessed in my portfolio.
In my spare time I enjoy, music and running (often combining the two) as well as the outdoors and of course spending time with friends and family.

My portfolio can be seen here:

Mail is posted as img to prevent spam attacks.
Looking forward to hear from you.


Nikolaj Weitze Severin

Application closed.

Posted: 09 Aug 2010, 13:59
by N.W.S
Kudos til for at levere dette forum, jeg har nu fundet den rette praktikplads.


Re: 2D Artist/Graphical Designer Seeks Unpaid Internship

Posted: 09 Aug 2010, 17:14
by Lau Korsgaard
Det var unfair hurtigt :D

Re: 2D Artist/Graphical Designer Seeks Unpaid Internship

Posted: 11 Aug 2010, 08:26
by Tabu
Mon ikke det har noget at gøre med ordet "unpaid" i overskriften ;)

Re: 2D Artist/Graphical Designer Seeks Unpaid Internship

Posted: 11 Aug 2010, 09:13
by Gryphon
Ahhh manden må vel også kunne noget :)

EDIT: Og tillykke da, Nikolaj

Re: 2D Artist/Graphical Designer Seeks Unpaid Internship

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 11:59
by Tabu
Ja, Tillykke... :) Mente ikke at være uforskammet

Re: 2D Artist/Graphical Designer Seeks Unpaid Internship

Posted: 19 Aug 2010, 12:50
by Kredepops
Tillykke! Hvem er det heldige firma?

Re: 2D Artist/Graphical Designer Seeks Unpaid Internship

Posted: 19 Aug 2010, 13:31
by N.W.S
Hej tegnebordsdrenge :)

Jeg starter hos Press Play d. 30 Aug