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Let's share a composer among studios - see why!

Posted: 07 Mar 2013, 17:08
by Steffen Kabbelgaard

We at BetaDwarf have a really talented composer on our team, and we think he’s awesome and a lot of fun to work with, but the problem is, he’s only into writing great tunes and because of that we have a hard time occupying him full time. That’s an issue we want to solve because we want to keep him around for a long time! What I’m wondering is, is it possible that any company out there would like to share our talented composer with us? His name is Fredrik Häthén and he’s into writing all kinds of music for different genres (he’s even written music for a live orchestra!).
You can find demo reels showcasing Fredrik’s range of styles at For a quick reel with his best work, check out: ... music-reel

I assume many other studios would like their own composer, but may not need one full time, well let's share. Because we want our composers to be doing music all the time and stay good at that, rather than having to spend half of their time searching for jobs...

Throw me or Fredrik a mail if your interested: