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HTML5 developer for browsergame project

Posted: 19 Mar 2013, 18:48
by Remmie
We are a group of developers working on a browser based game that hopefully will be finished within a year. We need one more dedicated person on the team though. Someone like us, who cant help creating.

Joining this business project should be purely to fulfill a dream to do computer games and in the future harvest the fruit of dedication and spare time development. We work for free and so will you. All to harvest the fruits later :)

We are looking for a person with experience in HTML5, javascrips, MVVM and SQL, to help us out as much as you can spare every week.

The team so far consist of 4 developers (Danish and Italian) and one graphics designer. All of us work for free and put in from 5 to 20 hours a week.

We offer:
- A chance to fulfil a dream of making online computer games
- Part time work, with positive, skilled and dedicated people

The following skills are needed:
HTML5, JavaScrips, MVVM and SQL

Contact us at

Re: HTML5 developer for browsergame project

Posted: 19 Mar 2013, 21:55
by Code
Do you have any contract for how you harvest the fruits later on?

Re: HTML5 developer for browsergame project

Posted: 20 Mar 2013, 16:07
by Remmie
We do yes :)

Re: HTML5 developer for browsergame project

Posted: 20 Mar 2013, 19:33
by Code
Good good, just so people know that if they put their work into this project, they'll have a contract beforehand :)

Re: HTML5 developer for browsergame project

Posted: 26 Mar 2013, 14:47
by timgarbos
Maybe you should try to pitch the project. What is it about?

There are so many projects out there and everybody also got their own ideas. Maybe show what you have or pitch it in some way?

Re: HTML5 developer for browsergame project

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 22:35
by oliverdb
Listen to Tim, and dont worry about revealing the idea its worth nothing until its implemented well. Making a pitch will also force you to prioritize and organize your thoughts