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Game designer, media producer & PR manager seeks job

Posted: 03 Oct 2013, 17:06
by Anchel
Hey everyone,

In the last few months I've been taking on small freelance projects, but I'm currently looking for more work to do. So I'm going to take my chances and present myself as available for job opportunities here in Spiludvikling.

For those who don't know me, I'm Anchel Labena, originally from Spain, but living in Copenhagen since 2010 and with little to no intention to move out of the country, at least for a few more years (what can I say, I love Denmark!)

My background is a mixture of both media communication studies (from my Bachelor's degree in Spain, which includes journalism, radio, TV, film and advertising) and game design (Master's at ITU Copenhagen). Right after finishing my Master's in 2012 I got hired by The National Film School of Denmark as a teacher, PR counselor and media producer for their new EUCROMA program. Simultaneously I also worked in smaller projects as a freelance for several companies and organizations such as DADIU, SpilBar, Ripstone Publishing, BetaDwarf, KnapNok Games and Logic Artists, among others, while being a board member of the Danish chapter of the International Game Developers Association. Within IGDA Denmark I have revamped its entire online presence, organized and promoted several events and activities such as Richard Garfield's talk at ITU and I have also been the main PR guy for Nordic Game Jam. In the past I have also worked as a technology columnist for US-government owned news organization Voice of America for over two years and one of Spain's biggest radio stations.

So... as you can see my skills range from video production to community management, along with game design and PR.

If you or your company happen to have an open spot for someone like me, please let me know and I will get in touch with you right away! :)
My contact is anchel at
You can also check my LinkedIn profile at (it looks a lot better if you're logged in, for some reason...)


EDIT: Of course, here's my CV as well!