Hey all, were taking on an Audio Designer Intern for a real-time space tactics prototype were working on at the moment:
-for PC + high end tablets (potentially VR).
The game is a real-time tactics game about a group of WW1 soldiers stranded on a alien asteroid fields, trying to get back to Earth.
The gameplay revolves around strategic positioning, coordinated attacts, soldier customization etc.
And features mechanics like path-drawing, free roaming on 3D levels, bullet-time based turn planning, physics based gun-play, low-g movement, spotting, strange weapons and aliens etc.
The audio aspects are still very much undeveloped and we would love to have somebody onboard, to experiment with the audio design, to realize our vision of a "minimalistic, tranquil and moodye space atmosphere, with a tight and impact filled combat sound design (no excess / wall of sound).
Our vision is to have the player hear the emptyness of space, the soldiers breath and heartbeat, the sound of the jet-packs and soft "thud" of the boots impacting on the soft meteor rock etc.
Email me for any extra questions / applications: hansvonknut@portaplay.dk
LF Audio Designer Intern - for Space Tactics Game (Unpaid)
LF Audio Designer Intern - for Space Tactics Game (Unpaid)
Hans von Knut Skovfoged - Creative Dir.
PortaPlay - Interactive Entertainment and Learning
PortaPlay - Interactive Entertainment and Learning