KnapNok Games have two positions open (not really game dev.)

Lau Korsgaard
Level 22 - Imp
Posts: 227
Joined: 25 Mar 2008, 21:57

KnapNok Games have two positions open (not really game dev.)

Unread post by Lau Korsgaard » 03 Oct 2014, 10:47

Hi all

We are looking for an experienced frontend developer (HTML, CSS, JavaScrip) and a project assistant.

Both positions will be working in our consultantation branch - primarily on web and app projects. You will not be working on core game development, but on many different projects, some game-like, some playful, some gameificated, some just cool. You will be working with many technologies: AR, loacation based, new interfaces, VR? ect. So basically if you like making cool shit you should consider applying.


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