Looking for unpaid internship

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Looking for unpaid internship

Unread post by Sebastianzb » 09 Apr 2015, 22:01

Sebastian Zahle Borgensgaard
+45 24447703
Denmark, 3400 Hillerød, Solsortvej 1

Hello everyone.

I'm looking for an unpaid internship oppertunity near Copenhagen to enhance my 3D graphic skills until i start school in July/August.
I completed the 3D Fundamentals course at truemax last year (September - December), and this was what i was able to do during that period.

About me:
My name is Sebastian Zahle Borgensgaard, i'm 19 years old. I enjoy video games and stories. I'm a computer geek, and i love working with various creative tools.
I've enjoyed making maps using various game editors since i was 8. Especially Source SDK (Hammer Editor) for CS:S maps that i would play with my friends, and later on used on various servers i ran.

I've experience with the following softwares:

3DS Max
3D Coat
Adobe Premiere Pro
FL Studio (Electronic music production has been a hobby of mine for about 3 years)

Sebastian Zahle Borgensgaard.

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