Internship available on colony sim Unclaimed World (UNPAID)
Posted: 03 Jun 2015, 17:28
We can offer an internship on our sci-fi colony sim Unclaimed World, currently on Steam Early Access. The internship could be in programming, scripting, game design or 3D art. We have a lot of exciting plans for our game, so, depending on your background and interests, we can easily find tasks that are relevant for you.
Technical info: The game is written in C# and runs on our custom powerful engine (nicknamed "Liberty" ^_^) using XNA.
Location: Office in Spilhuset, Pilestræde 43, 3. Copenhagen K.
Read more here:
If you're interested, please send a letter and your CV to
Vi er danskere, så du kan skrive på dansk eller engelsk, afhængigt af temperament.
Technical info: The game is written in C# and runs on our custom powerful engine (nicknamed "Liberty" ^_^) using XNA.
Location: Office in Spilhuset, Pilestræde 43, 3. Copenhagen K.
Read more here:
If you're interested, please send a letter and your CV to
Vi er danskere, så du kan skrive på dansk eller engelsk, afhængigt af temperament.