Teacher of Visual Design for Games and Animation at KADK CPH

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Teacher of Visual Design for Games and Animation at KADK CPH

Unread post by JesperJuul » 08 Apr 2017, 16:11

We are looking for a part-time teacher of Visual Design for Games and Animation at KADK, School of Design in Copenhagen.

KADK has a bachelor program in game design, and a master program in visual game/media design, both with a visual emphasis.
Our students usually go on to find work as visual designers, UI/UX designers, game designers, or in the film industry.

We work closely with both the DADIU collaboration and the Film School.

We are looking for a candidate who has industry experience and solid skills in a range of tools, including 2d, 3d and animation.

This is a half time position, where we assume that you are working professionally at the same time.

Come and teach some great students!

Please email me if you have any questions.

Thank you,
Jesper Juul

Official description:
https://candidate.hr-manager.net/Applic ... &MediaId=5

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