Engine Programming (dagkursus/aftenundervisning)
The MTG program (http://www.itu.dk/mtg) seeks applicants able to teach an introductory course to engine programming, and supervise students in the area. Qualified applicants should be able to address the fundamental problems of engine programming, including implementing visualizations using, for example, the OpenGL API, implementing various animation types, making collision detection systems, making basic physics simulations, describing basic game system architecture, or create bindings to scripting systems.
Applicants are expected to have knowledge and experience in game programming, preferably graphics programming. Details on the programming language and frameworks used are discretionary to the applicant. We expect the course to be taught in English, to students with a Computer Science or equivalent background.
The applicant will be working in collaboration with the faculty of the Center for Computer Games Research (game.itu.dk). The applicant has a large degree of freedom in choosing the course schedule, including day and time of the week for the teaching. Teaching this course can be compatible with a full time job.
The contact person at ITU is Miguel Sicart
Mail: miguel@itu.dk
Phone: 7218 5031