Sparetime project looking for interest

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Sparetime project looking for interest

Unread post by Locke » 28 Jul 2009, 13:56


For some time now I have been working on a spare-time gameproject, ment to be developed for (Hopefully) all platforms..

I'm not keen on giving away to many details, but here's a few..

Setting: The setting is an alternate science-fantasy universe set in present time
Story: special talented humans batteling sentient being from another world (sounds old, but I guarantee this is new!)

Developed so far: Everything is ready for "launch"... I have created the general story-line, skecthes with concept art including urban design, social structures, character stories and interaction including individual character background, creature catalogue.

Needed to be done: Game mecanics and highly likely loads more ;)

I know this is not much to go on, but I'm very protective about my material

If you are interested please contact me on:


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Re: Sparetime project looking for interest

Unread post by vonknut » 28 Jul 2009, 17:10

Locke wrote:Hi

Developed so far: Everything is ready for "launch"... I have created the general story-line, skecthes with concept art including urban design, social structures, character stories and interaction including individual character background, creature catalogue.

Needed to be done: Game mecanics and highly likely loads more ;)


So does this means, that you haven't programmed anything and that there is no sound or final graphics done?
-if that is the case, then it is hardly "ready for launch" :)

The concept and the story-writing is maybe 1% of the total manhours needed.
-if there is a completed script, with alle dialogue + level design, then you have maybe 5-10%...

If you have already programmed some of it (i.e. the world and the character interaction), then you have something going, and can get people aboard.
Hans von Knut Skovfoged - Creative Dir.
PortaPlay - Interactive Entertainment and Learning

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Re: Sparetime project looking for interest

Unread post by Menace » 28 Jul 2009, 18:15

vonknut wrote:
Locke wrote:Hi

Developed so far: Everything is ready for "launch"... I have created the general story-line, skecthes with concept art including urban design, social structures, character stories and interaction including individual character background, creature catalogue.

Needed to be done: Game mecanics and highly likely loads more ;)


So does this means, that you haven't programmed anything and that there is no sound or final graphics done?
-if that is the case, then it is hardly "ready for launch" :)

The concept and the story-writing is maybe 1% of the total manhours needed.
-if there is a completed script, with alle dialogue + level design, then you have maybe 5-10%...

If you have already programmed some of it (i.e. the world and the character interaction), then you have something going, and can get people aboard.
I'm guessing 'ready for launch' means that the development is ready for launch..
Dennis Hansen
Graphic Artist/Game Designer

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