Sparetime project looking for interest
Posted: 28 Jul 2009, 13:56
For some time now I have been working on a spare-time gameproject, ment to be developed for (Hopefully) all platforms..
I'm not keen on giving away to many details, but here's a few..
Setting: The setting is an alternate science-fantasy universe set in present time
Story: special talented humans batteling sentient being from another world (sounds old, but I guarantee this is new!)
Developed so far: Everything is ready for "launch"... I have created the general story-line, skecthes with concept art including urban design, social structures, character stories and interaction including individual character background, creature catalogue.
Needed to be done: Game mecanics and highly likely loads more
I know this is not much to go on, but I'm very protective about my material
If you are interested please contact me on:
For some time now I have been working on a spare-time gameproject, ment to be developed for (Hopefully) all platforms..
I'm not keen on giving away to many details, but here's a few..
Setting: The setting is an alternate science-fantasy universe set in present time
Story: special talented humans batteling sentient being from another world (sounds old, but I guarantee this is new!)
Developed so far: Everything is ready for "launch"... I have created the general story-line, skecthes with concept art including urban design, social structures, character stories and interaction including individual character background, creature catalogue.
Needed to be done: Game mecanics and highly likely loads more
I know this is not much to go on, but I'm very protective about my material
If you are interested please contact me on: