Game Design in 80 Days (September 18th/IT University)

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Game Design in 80 Days (September 18th/IT University)

Unread post by Miguel » 05 Sep 2008, 12:36

Making games is fun - the moment in which it works, the first time it
plays as you dreamt it plays, all those little rewards that make game
design enjoyable.For this Fall Game Design Event, IGDA Denmark wants
you to look back to the joy of simplicity, to the pleasures of focus
and free form. We are challenging you to create a game, during four
months, and by doing so to explore the simple pleasures of
experimenting with game design.

Starting on September 18th, a monthly challenge will be presented to
the community. These challenges are accumulative: the game you make
will start its life in September, and progressively evolve with each
challenge. We want you to focus on solving a particular problem, free
of any other constraints than those we have thought can foster your

Feel free to use any tool you want: we like digital games, but we are
open to all shapes and forms of game design. And please, feel free to
participate even if you are not in the Copenhagen area - or even in
Denmark/Europe. Making games knows no borders.

The challenges, as well as the resulting games, will be presented
during IGDA Bar Meetings that will take place at the IT University.
But this is intended to be a worldwide, delocalized event: we would
love to see your progress and hear your comments, and we are working
on a method to do so. So stay tuned!

The first challenge will be presented in September 18th, and we will
email it to the IGDA mailing list. So get ready to an autumn of
creative game design!

The Game Design Fall Event is an IGDA Denmark conspiracy. The main
culprit and mastermind is Miguel Sicart.

Fact sheet
What? A 4 months game design challenge
How? Every month, a new challenge will be presented. All 4 challenges
will build up to a game
When? Starting September 18th
Where? We will meet at the IT University, Scroll Bar, at 19:00. But we
welcome everybody to participate - web updates will follow!
Why? Because we all want to play with making games!

Lau Korsgaard
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Re: Game Design in 80 Days (September 18th/IT University)

Unread post by Lau Korsgaard » 10 Sep 2008, 16:39

OK I'm a noob:

How do I get on the IGDA DK mailing list?

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Re: Game Design in 80 Days (September 18th/IT University)

Unread post by Gorm » 10 Sep 2008, 17:25

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Re: Game Design in 80 Days (September 18th/IT University)

Unread post by Gorm » 16 Sep 2008, 21:52

Bump.... så er det på torsdag det går løs :-). Håber vi ses.
Gorm - Senior Creative Technologist
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Re: Game Design in 80 Days (September 18th/IT University)

Unread post by fallspace » 17 Sep 2008, 10:18

Yay, det er et fantastisk initiativ. Vi ses i morgen.


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Re: Game Design in 80 Days (September 18th/IT University)

Unread post by Gorm » 18 Sep 2008, 10:01

Der er nu en blog oppe som man kan følge udviklingen på indtil eventens afslutning i december.
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Re: Game Design in 80 Days (September 18th/IT University)

Unread post by Chrono » 19 Sep 2008, 16:16

Er det alligevel ikke muligt at være med på lige vilkår selvom man ikke var på ITU i går? For så burde den første udfordring vel være sat på blog'en nu.
I can't go fighting evil on an empty stomach, you know!

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Re: Game Design in 80 Days (September 18th/IT University)

Unread post by Miguel » 20 Sep 2008, 20:17

And here's the update - sorry for the delay:

Challenge #1

Build a software toy.

We understand toy as: “an object, gadget or machine, regarded as providing amusement for an adult” (New Oxford American Dictionary), or as a “tool for entertainment” (Chris Bateman). Think about physics simulations, but also Sim City.

The toy has to be to some extent interactive, with clear rules (Conway’s Game of Life is a toy, to the effects of this challenge). It has to be somewhat amusing, fun, or entertaining.
A toy has no goals, no scores, and no winning condition.

The theme for the toy is: population!

The date for the next meeting will be announced during the last week of September.

Happy designing!

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Re: Game Design in 80 Days (September 18th/IT University)

Unread post by Miguel » 20 Sep 2008, 20:18

And I forgot - everybody is welcome to design for this events - the meetings at ITU are just for the socialization (and, when there are results, for showing off).

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Re: Game Design in 80 Days (September 18th/IT University)

Unread post by Windfeld » 23 Sep 2008, 23:43

"... the meetings at ITU are just for the socialization ..." = Excuse to drink alcoholic beverages


It was fun, hope to see you next month :O)

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Re: Game Design in 80 Days (September 18th/IT University)

Unread post by Gorm » 08 Oct 2008, 21:49

Me too. I am really looking forward to seeing what people are coming up with.
Gorm - Senior Creative Technologist
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Re: Game Design in 80 Days (September 18th/IT University)

Unread post by Gorm » 19 Oct 2008, 22:57

Just a quick reminder that the next meeting is on thursday.

I am definitely looking forward to seeing what people have cooked up.
Gorm - Senior Creative Technologist
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Re: Game Design in 80 Days (September 18th/IT University)

Unread post by hejsa » 22 Oct 2008, 03:41

Thanks for the reminder!
I had long forgotten the dates for the next meetings.

If it's still possible I think it would be a good idea to send a reminder to the IGDA denmark announce list. I bet I'm not the only one who had forgotten all about the date.

A quick reminder to everybody else:

Second Challenge: October 23rd, 19:00, IT University (Scroll Bar)
Third Challenge: November 19th, 19:00, IT University (Scroll Bar)
Final Showcase: December 11th, 19:00, IT Universit

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