War of Rights Alpha showcase

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War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 03 Dec 2017, 16:21

War of Rights is a multiplayer game set during the perilous days of the American Civil War, in the Maryland Campaign of September, 1862. Campfire Games is devoted to presenting the gruesome and glorious elements of the period, while maintaining the highest level of historical accuracy and realism as is possible with the wonders of CRYENGINE.



- Massive battles: Take part in engagements consisting of 150 players.

- Tailored for line formation teamplay: Custom formation buff mechanic system rewards sticking together by lessening the suppression effects, the morale cost for the team when dying and the flag bearer respawn rate.

- Historical accuracy: Period correct uniforms, weapons, manual of arms animations, battlefields, objectives & drill camps.

- Regimental pride: More than 70 researched and recreated regiments all supporting uniforms for all ranks (Private to Colonel) and player classes.


- Immersive communication: In-game 3D voice system.

- Recreated battlefields: More than 30 historically accurate skirmish areas of the Battle of Antietam & Siege of Harpers Ferry to play on as well as three drill camps to perfect your formation forming abilities or simply exchange battle stories at the campfire.

- Player classes: Private, NCO, Flag Bearer & Officer playable from every regiment featured and covering all ranks from Private to Colonel.

- Community focus: A strong company (player organized clans) focus with a dedicated company tool and forum sections devoted to in-game event creation.


- Powerful game engine: Powered by CRYENGINE V, War of Rights is capable of providing visuals unmatched by any other Civil War game.

- More than a game: War of Rights is a vision that keeps expanding its scale. The project is entirely crowdfunded and has been developed on for the past 6 years. We consider it more of an ever evolving artistic piece rather than a final product with a targeted release deadline with set features.


Players in the game will be able to play on multiple battlefields of the campaign, from the confluence of the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers where the Siege of Harper's Ferry took place, to the ridgelines of South Mountain, and to the meandering waters of Antietam Creek at the Battle of Antietam. Additionally, players will also be able to choose from a list of regiments that fought in each battle as well as what rank to fight as, whether they want to slog it out as a lowly private, or if you want to orchestrate the carnage and mayhem as a major general.


Uniforms and bodily features will all be customizable for other players to see as you march and fight in the lines of battle according to the tactics of the period. As a General, you will operate in your headquarters equipped with a map of the battlefield and constantly receiving reports of friendly and enemy positions. Send out new orders to the regiments to move forward, or fall back - all in real time. The orders will move down the chain of command, to the Colonels, Majors, down to the Captains in charge of the individual regiments, all of whom have the option to follow the orders of their trusted commander, or rebel against his wishes and fight as you see fit.


Each map contains a period reconstruction of the buildings, farms, forests, roads, and rocks as they were in 1862 so players can fight through the streets of Harper's Ferry, in the wooded heights of Fox's Gap at South Mountain, or in the cornfields and Bloody Lanes of Antietam. Players can feel the whiz of deadly shot and shell fly by their bodies, or hit their comrades or themselves as they scream in a bloody hail from their wounds. Limbs will fly and blood will be spilt once again as Campfire Games brings the fighting of the Civil War right to the player's computer screen!


Will you heed the Union call against the traitors? Or will you fight to defend your family and livelihood with the Confederacy? You decide!


We thought it a good idea to recreate/repost our Early Access roadmap as a lot of players having joined us recently are unlikely to know what we are intending to offer as the game advances in its development.

The below roadmap should be taken for what it is - a preliminary list of things we have planned for. As all plans are subject to change, there is a great chance that the list will also end up changing, however.
The order of the roadmap is also subject to change as the development moves ahead. Some things listed may arrive a great deal sooner or later than what their listing order indicates.

1. Bug fixes, stability improvements: This will be an ongoing focus throughout the development of the game. An alpha is never without its bugs. New content rarely comes without its fair share of bugs and issues required to fix up.

2. Performance improvements: We are well aware of the performance of the alpha is needing to be improved - especially at higher playercounts. Major programming work is currently going into reworking the most expensive part of the game at high playercounts. Once finished you should all be experiencing much better framerates on populated servers.

3. Expanded server moderation tools: This will allow server administrators more control to manage and configure their server using commands such as: kick,ban,change map, change skirmish area, change weather and time of day.

4. End game events: Taken out just before the launch on Early Access, the end game events will be making a comeback in a more fleshed out form, specifically designed to create more memorable end game moments in cases where the question of who were the winners of the match is heavily contested.

5. Improved melee: Melee is going to be receiving a much needed overhaul, including the availability of a parry move and animation kill sequences between two players (“kill-moves”) to increase the visual fidelity of close quarter fighting.


6. New battlefields: The Battles of South Mountain and Shepherdstown will eventually complete the Maryland Campaign of 1862.

7. Fleshed out officer order system: Additional officer commands will be introduced to allow for a greater range of tactical options.

8. Musicians: Working in tandem with the officer order system, musicians will have to relay the correct calls to help make sure the orders are received down the line.


9. Historical Battles mode: Besides the quicker Skirmish mode, the largest and main game mode intended for the game, known as Historical Battles, would open up the entirety of the 4x4 km battlefields for more of a complete playthrough, with a moving frontline consisting of several capture areas. This will also entail the use of the full chain of command where players take the part of Generals, using maps and couriers to direct troops across the huge battlefield.

10. Player controlled artillery: The many batteries already placed on the battlefields will become player controlled once we introduce an artillery system, where players will have access to some of the most destructive and tide-turning weapons of war.


11. Generals: The chain of command on the battlefield will be expanded with the addition of generals. Generals bring a tactical overview to the battle that all other classes lack, helping to command the troops when using the historical battles mode, helping to bring some order to the chaos of war.

12. Cavalry: Horses are to be implemented for both cavalry units, moving artillery pieces, as well as for the high command and their couriers. The cavalry was still an important branch of the armies of the period considering the changes in technology, acting as reconnaissance and quick response units as understandings for their use developed over the period of the war.


13. Final Release: Once the above features have been finished, we will be at the point that we would be just about ready for full release of the game to all and sundry! This final release would also be the point that those that had backed us originally would be getting their promised physical and digital goods. While we cannot give any definite date as to when we might get to release, we inch closer every day!
Last edited by TrustyJam on 22 Dec 2019, 06:32, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by Larpon » 04 Dec 2017, 11:12

Godt arbejde. Er jeres netværkkode helt custom eller har i baseret det på noget eksisterende?
80 - 100 på samme tid er ret flot presset sammen :)

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 04 Dec 2017, 11:15

Larpon wrote:Godt arbejde. Er jeres netværkkode helt custom eller har i baseret det på noget eksisterende?
80 - 100 på samme tid er ret flot presset sammen :)
Tak skal du have. :)

Vores network er baseret på CRYENGINE's standard dedicated server code - dog modificeret ret så meget (den understøtter som udgangspunkt kun 32 spillere).

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by Larpon » 04 Dec 2017, 12:56

Cool :) Tak for info!

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by ZeroHero » 04 Dec 2017, 23:07

Jeg har fulgt med paa side linjen og jeg syntes det er utrolig flot arbejde og jeg glaeder mig til at se det faerdige resultat.

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by Larpon » 05 Dec 2017, 10:47

... og har I dato (estimat) for udgivelse endnu? :)

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 05 Dec 2017, 15:25

ZeroHero wrote:Jeg har fulgt med paa side linjen og jeg syntes det er utrolig flot arbejde og jeg glaeder mig til at se det faerdige resultat.
Tak for de fine ord og for interessen! :)
Larpon wrote:... og har I dato (estimat) for udgivelse endnu? :)
Nej, den eneste gang vi har brugt et public release estimate var da vi blev tvunget til det under vores Kickstarter - og det viste sig at være helt hen i vejret så no more estimates. :)

Vi udnytter p.t. at vi har en fornuftig crowdfunding campaign kørende hvilket betyder vi kan tillade os at bruge lidt længere tid end så mange andre på, at sikre vores spil er feature complete og stabilt nok til de vigtige first impressions når vi launcher på early access.

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by Larpon » 05 Dec 2017, 22:03

Cool - det er jo helt forståeligt!

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 09 Jan 2018, 07:15

Hej folkens!

Vi udgav vores cinematic "wor cam" lige før nytår via en alpha update så ville bare lige vise jer et par af de videoer der er blevet lavet af vores community med det so far. :)

Vi er super spændte på at se hvad vores community vil bruge featuren til i takt med, at spillet bliver mere udviklet.

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 18 Jan 2018, 18:11

Her er vores seneste Skirmishes trailer. Optaget på vores live alpha servers og featuring vores alpha backers. :)

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 21 Jan 2018, 00:04

Vi er nu oppe på at supporte 150 spillere per server i alphaen. :)

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 21 Jan 2018, 00:25

Rent multiplayer footage velsagtens. Folk er virkelig disciplinerende. Godt arbejde! :)

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 21 Jan 2018, 00:38

jonaz.dk wrote:Impressive!
Rent multiplayer footage velsagtens. Folk er virkelig disciplinerende. Godt arbejde! :)

Yes, vi har intet AI. Vi er heldige at have fundet et meget dedikeret community. :)

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 13 Feb 2018, 06:06

Her er en optagelse af et community event fra i aftes i anledning af Lincoln's fødselsdag. :)

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 11 Mar 2018, 13:27

Hej folkens!


Igår ramte vi for første gang 150 spillere i en aktiv kamp på alpha servers. Vi var så heldige at Cody, en youtuber der har fulgt os igennem lang tid, var på plads til at dokumentere det. :)


Her er et par screenshots fra kampen jeg snuppede.








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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 03 May 2018, 15:44

Hej igen! :)

Vi udgav de første par områder af vores anden slagmark "Harper's Ferry" for en måneds tid siden.

Harper's Ferry var en strategisk vigtig by da den ene store føderale våbenfabrik lå i byen. I løbet af borgerkrigen skiftede byen hænder flere gange, både før og efter 1862 som vi fokuserer på.

Få år inden krigen var byen i fokus for de fleste amerikanere da John Brown (en frihedskæmper for slaverne) angreb våbenfabrikken i et forsøg på at starte et slaveoprør. Det lykkedes ikke - John Brown blev taget til fange af the US Marines anført af Oberst Robert E. Lee og senere dømt for foræderi og hængt. John Brown's raid anses idag for at være en af de helt centrale begivenheder for krigens start.

Nok historietime, her er en alpha trailer for Harper's Ferry. :)


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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 13 Oct 2018, 05:23

Så er den seneste Field Report udgivet! Den omhandler Skirmishes Phase II som vi netop har launchet med blandt andet flag bearer spawn system og dynamic weather.

Link til Field Report: https://warofrights.com/Fieldreport40

Nedenunder er en lille showcase af noget af vores nye vejr. :)


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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 20 Nov 2018, 07:29

Her er en lille bid af en af weekenden's 150-player kampe.

Vi arbejder nu målrettet på at få spillet klar til Steam Early Access - forhåbentlig inden året er omme. :)

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 20 Jan 2019, 15:51

Hej igen!

Vi udgav WoR på Steam Early Access den 3. December sidste år og har siden haft travlt med at rette kritiske bugs, udgivet content updates, tilføjet admin commands, implementeret flere anti troll systemer, etc.

Jeg tænkte dog jeg lige ville smide et par officielle og community lavet trailers/videoer udgivet omkring spillets launch på Early Access her.

War of Rights Early Access Launch Trailer:

War of Rights Early Access B-Roll Trailer:

War of Rights Early Access Community Made Trailer:

Nedenunder her er et par youtube content creator videoer udgivet omkring vores Early Access launch:

Updatede den originale post så den passer med vores Steam store page.

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 07 Apr 2019, 23:48

Vi har lige afholdt vores anden 200 player test event nogenside!

Arbejdet fortsætter med at forbedre vores alpha på så mange områder som overhovedet muligt - i løbet af den sidste måned har vi introduceret en del store forbedringer af både client og server performance og stabilitet, hvilket har gjort det muligt for os, nu at kunne teste 200 player matches.

Her er en bunke screenshots jeg snuppede fra 200 player stress testen her til aften:























- Trusty

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 19 Sep 2019, 17:45

Here's a quick progress update trailer about artillery, one of the main features we're currently working on implementing into the alpha:

Link to recently released field report covering many of the artillery mechanics: https://warofrights.com/Fieldreport43

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 20 Sep 2019, 08:41

Very cool Trusty! It's now Cannon Firing Simulator 1864! ;)
Quite the detailed coop experience to operate the cannons. I'm sure your super disciplined players will love it.

Looking forward to how you will handle the cavalry. Quite tricky beasts to do well in games.

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 20 Sep 2019, 16:09

Thank you! (but we're only concerned with September, 1862 mind you :D )

So are we - actual civil war cavalry charges were rare (cavalry was primarily used as scouts and quick deploying infantry in the form of dismounted cavalry lines). That being said, they did happen so naturally we'll also try to support them the best we can. :)

- Trusty

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by TrustyJam » 17 Oct 2020, 17:09

Has it been over a year already? :o How time flies when you're having fun.

Today I thought I'd give you a recap as to what we have been up to for the past year. :)


Late last year we expanded our skirmishes game mode with a counter-attack mechanic in order to bring more depth into the game mode and also to somewhat reduce the importance of the point of contention. The counter-attack feature triggers when the point of contention is captured by the attacker before the morale state (ticket loss based statistic) of the defender is at it's lowest level: "Breaking". Once triggered, the roles of the two teams flip so the attacker is now defending and defender now counter-attacking.

The time given to the counter-attacker to retake the lost point is depending on how much morale the team had left when the counter-attack was triggered.

If the counter-attacker manages to retake the point before their time or morale amount runs out they once again control the point as the defender. The morale states of both teams are also matched (basically wiping the slate clean). Several counter-attacks can happen during a match.

The above feature proved to effectively resolve a long lasting issue of ours where the attacking team would partake in all-out rushes to the point in the first few minutes of a match in order to secure a quick victory by capturing it.


The biggest content addition to the game the past year has most certainly come in the form of the artillery army branch.

To get things started, we’ve created a little demonstration video highlighting the basics of the artillery mechanics. The video features Campfire Games Historical Advisor George Crecy as the mean drill instructor - enjoy!

Here's a trailer created by community member and youtuber Cody featuring artillery:

We've added more than 40 playable artillery batteries placed at historically accurate locations on the battlefields and equipped with the same amount of guns as they would have had during the battles. We've also added a Union and Confederate artillery drill camp, complete with its own firing range for practising on the 4x4 km drill camp level.

Union Artillery Camp

Confederate Artillery Firing Range

Manly’s Battery (CSA), Available in all of the downtown skirmish areas, Harpers Ferry

Campbell’s Battery (USA), Hagerstown Turnpike, Antietam

Union Battery volley firing near Otto & Sherrick Farms, Antietam

The first playable cannon to be released was the 3 inch ordnance rifle - one of the most used cannons of the war.

Turning the elevation screw to change elevation and set the fuze

Moving the cannon - it goes quite a lot faster with two people on the wheels

Picking up and moving the trail spike in order to aim horizontally

We also released a fully playable limber - which is the 2nd half of the 4 wheel carriage that a "limbered cannon" consists of when dragged about by horses on the field. The limber chest contains the ammunition for the cannon: Shell, Case and Canister shot (painted in different colours to vary from each other).

Opening the limber chest to expose the ammunition

Picking up a selected round

Inserting the round into the muzzle

Ramming the round home

We also added a dynamic fuze system, tailored to automatically change the fuze length of the round. This determines how many seconds of flight the round is to travel before exploding - you want an explosition just above your target in order to cause maximum damage via shrapnel.

Overview of the Dynamic Fuze System

Pulling the lanyard, thus firing the cannon


The 12 pounder bronze Napoleon cannon, which is arguably the most well known civil war-era cannon soon followed.


Complete with its own limber and ammunition.




As always, we've also been keeping up with the upgrades to the overall visuals of the game. It's now more than 8 years since we set out on this journey and so a continous quest to better the graphics of the game is required if we wish to stay "current".

Updated Environment Assets, Harpers Ferry

Updated Town Houses, Harpers Ferry

Updated tree trunk models

Updated tree trunk models

New forest floor environment props

Animation quality is also constantly improving. Here's a 2nd (and more accurate as per the manual of arms from the era) loading animation we've recently added:

Battle Flags

42nd Pennsylvania national & 1st Georgia regimental

Our latest content update has been the addition of more than 50 researched battle flags, created by our newest team member, Bradley:

My name is Bradley and I am the Historical Texture Artist for Campfire Games, as well as a Graduate Student concentrating in the American Civil War with special interests in Confederate Chaplains, the Siege of Vicksburg, small arms and artillery, and vexillology in the Civil War (the study of flags).

19th indiana regimental & 18th Mississippi national

One of the most important material objects of the Civil War is without question the battle flag. The battle flag was more than just a signal to communicate a regiment’s identification to other units on the chaotic and smoke-filled battlefield, although the “colors” were vitally necessary in serving this practical purpose—the battle flag was also an important symbol to the men that fought under it. For many enlisted men, their regimental standard was a piece of their past and a reminder of home. Not infrequently, ladies back home had sewn the regimental colors and sometimes even constructed the standard from their own wedding dresses, as silk was a precious wartime commodity. The soldiers themselves carefully stitched or painted Battle Honors such as “SEVEN PINES” and “WILLIAMSBURG” onto their banners. These were more than names where gallant fighting happened, these were the final resting places of brothers-in-arms, many dear friends and family members killed hundreds of miles from home.

69th New York regimental & 5th Texas national

My great-great-grandfather, his brother, and their brother-in-law fought at Sharpsburg with the 8th Florida Infantry, some eight hundred miles from their homes in Nassau County, Florida. At Bloody Lane, their under-strength and relatively untested brigade suffered fifty percent casualties. A Chaplain in the Florida Brigade witnessed, "Five times our colors fell." The flag staff was shot in two and the final bearer was killed as the Confederate center abandoned the sunken road. In October 1862, Abraham Lincoln and George B. McClellan posed for photographer Alexander Gardner in the general's tent at Antietam. At the bottom left hand corner of this famous image is a crumpled Confederate battle flag that some have identified as the battle flag of the 8th Florida Infantry. So it was, this particular rebel flag continued to serve an important symbolic purpose even in Union possession.

Lincoln & McClellan next to what is probably the captured battle flag of the 8th Florida

With this update, most of the flags in-game have been rescaled to historically accurate proportions, and we are proud to introduce over fifty new battle flags based on months of meticulous research. War of Rights players, whether on the battlefield or in drill camp, will encounter flags nearly identical to surviving artifacts, down to the tilt of stars and placing of text. Where no artifacts survived for us to follow, we strove for authenticity. We expect future findings may require some flags to be revisited.

32nd Pennsylvania national & 1st Texas regimental


Having been close to two years in the making, the public test (set to launch in the near future) of the "Platform System" represents a major milestone for us. It's an important step in ensuring that we'll be able to eventually advance from the current alpha phase of the game. You can read more about the platform system here

That's all for now. Thanks for reading if you've made it this far! :)

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Re: War of Rights Alpha showcase

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 17 Oct 2020, 17:54

Hot damn! 168 updates. You guys have been keeping busy! :D

Very positive reviews and roughly estimating around 188.550 in sold units (reviews*50). Sounds like a success! That's bloody awesome!

Big grats @TrustyJam ! May the gunpowder, soot and smoke-filled winds carry you even further on it's way out of early access.

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