News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 04 Apr 2021, 16:26

The complete history of XCOM

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 04 Apr 2021, 21:51

50 Years of Gaming History, by Revenue Stream (1970-2020) ... ue-stream/


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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 07 Apr 2021, 13:00

DK free release from one of my former coworkers from the NDS days, now solo developing Danger Grid for iOS.
Scifi retro inspired shooty shooty stuff.

Slight update: Gave it 30 seconds. I can honestly say I hate the controls. Sorry Morten! :blush :cry:
..Ok ok maybe I will give it 30 seconds more later to see if I can get the hang of it. I love cool scifi shooters but this one feels very clunky to control and doesn't give a nice smooth gameplay experience.

But give it a shot! Perhaps it's more to your liking.

Update: Not forgetting the solution is blindingly obvious and simple. Do Archero controls! Invisible thumb relative stick. Release finger to auto target and auto shoot nearest enemy. Done!

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 08 Apr 2021, 11:42

An announcement from a game I'm working on. Grats to us! :)

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 08 Apr 2021, 11:51

Spilprisen 2021 nominations. Also featuring a game I worked on in serveral categories. Predicting it won't win anything. But that's ok! :)
Broken Lines is featuring an old, but still active steam screenshot with missing textures on some logs the publisher posted on the Steam page ages ago. Yay! It's kinda funny. :D

Grats to all winners and nominees! Deep Rock Galactic took home the game of the year award. See the rest of the winners on the website.

Predictable our game, Broken Lines didn't win. ;) But it was fun in the chat afterwards. Before the big corona circus there was nice people, free burgers and drinks. Those were the days! The truly best part of the show for me personally.
David Bateman, voice actor on Lightmatter/Himan put up a good show on the stream. Good stuff! :D

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 08 Apr 2021, 12:41

New game announcement from NorthPlay! Fly TOGETHER! For Nintendo Switch.

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 08 Apr 2021, 13:24

And now Vokabulantis is 100% funded (100% again after an incident where a large backer withdrew the pledge) on Kickstarter. Grats to the team!

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 08 Apr 2021, 13:44

DK project First Class Trouble launching in Early Access today! Big grats! :D
Yeah also 20% off on launch.

Update: Also they seem to be off to a good start!! 69 reviews landing in 'Very Positive' and a respectable placement on the top sellers list! VERY GOOD for first day in Early Access! :cool: :D

As youtubers/streamers starts picking up the game over time and if the quality of the experience can keep the player base retained and growing. It bodes very well for the project indeed! :cool:

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 11 Apr 2021, 20:16

Path of Exile 2. Noice! 🤩

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 12 Apr 2021, 16:48

LEGO Builder's Journey from (DK) Light Brick Studio is coming to Steam

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 13 Apr 2021, 16:38

A bit of news from @JeppeCarlsen and gang at Geometric Interactive.
They have now signed with a 'top tier publisher' on their still unannouced puzzle adventure game.

Played an earlier interation of the project quite some time ago and things was looking promising.

Grats to the team on securing a publisher! :)

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 15 Apr 2021, 08:08

3dsmax 2022.. still kicking.

A look at the remesher

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 15 Apr 2021, 11:22

Nordic Game Jam 2021 (online) May 6 - Sun, May 9. I think there is still a tiny bit of time to get the early bird tickets.

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 16 Apr 2021, 08:42

So finally Darkfire Heroes from Rovio Copenhagen is out and fully released
A bunch of old friends and former colleagues worked on this. Grats to the team! YAY! :D

Gave it a shot yesterday! I was a bit confused about the label Action RPG they have put on the game. As I couldn't find the Action RPG. But I did find an idle-RPG-game! Pressing x2 speed and auto combat was my way to play it. The intended combat was sort of slow and boring. Just pressing a button and watching the combat unfold on the screen was more engaging than playing the game as intended.

Also no ads! Or I didn't find anything annoying in that regard. A bit curious they haven't included rewarded ads. But I guess they just want the players that will shell out the big bucks for gems etc. anyways.

Perhaps it was one hour or two in on the idle grinding. I suddenly hit the wall in the campaign where I was essentially unable to progress without shopping for rather expensive gems or play an extreme amounts of games to win gems to continue with the progression. Neither option was interesting to me. Also there are the usual daily gifts but they seems rather tiny and progress in leveling characters is very slow.
Didn't play much multiplayer. But I guess this will be the biggest draw on executing the pay to win mechanics.

Encountered some nasty random stuttering/freezing on my device where the game would lock up for maybe 1-6 seconds. So you have some work there guys! ;)

They clearly have spent resources on user acquisition in the soft launch period. And user reviews are positive!
I can only assume they have a well tuned money making F2P machine since they are launching it. Looks like smooth sailing from here! So that's awesome. Happy players and making money. Cool bananas! :)
As long as a Rovio Entertainment Oyj is happy! And I'm guessing they have some Rovio IP things in the works at the Copenhagen studio. Hence the acquisition from their former owner (Wargaming) in the first place. To get more hands on deck for the Rovio mothership. So things are looking good from an outside perspective.

Also lots of nice art and characters. Good job there!
A bit of a shame there is not more focus on the collected characters beyond a tiny icon. Would have been nice with big fully animated versions to display them. But I guess there are some production limitations.

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 16 Apr 2021, 11:46

A bit of info has emerged from IOI. Or actually a lot.
- Hakan mentions they are looking into publishing other developers titles.
- A big *wink* *wink* 'we may be working on an online game'. Quite predictably so I might say! ;) Also I imagine the new online game is a new IP developed by the Malmö studio (mainly).
- Hitman 3 published on the Epic store and consoles performed 300% better than the previous Hitman games.
- The third IOI studio will open in Barcelona.
- They have the ambition of doubling the size of the studio in a few years and become the most attractive studio in Europe.
- Also he is not counting out working with other publishers on future titles. (Guessing the new IP is signed with an external publisher?)

All in all! Things are looking pretty sweet for the old IOI. So that's super awesome! :D

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Self-publishing Hitman: How IO took control of its destiny

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 16 Apr 2021, 18:22

GM48, GameMaker gamejam this weekend organized by Peter Jørgensen.

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 19 Apr 2021, 23:34

The History of StarCraft

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 20 Apr 2021, 08:46

Gnomepunk! Cute concept. 😊

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 21 Apr 2021, 14:43

Dutch developers making Unsung Warriors is live on Kickstarter.

Played AND loved the demo a while back.. I should probably back them! :) (and totally did)
Way more confident in backing projects with an available playable demo. Things can look nice on the surface in campaign videos. But no play.. nothing proven.
Give the prologue a shot if you are into not too crazy hard cutesy fantasy platformers.

Also it's the second kickstarter on the same project. First KS failed. Now the goal is half of the first goal. Not a whole lot of money in the western world. But it is only a tiny team of 3 (has the addition of an story consultant now) developing in their spare time. So I guess they will be good. It seems the goal will be met quickly and hopefully go way beyond. Also interesting there are no stretch goals. That's probably a good thing not to overpromise on a tiny budget. **update** Oh after full funding they have added stretch goals.


Free playable prologue

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 22 Apr 2021, 09:19

6 Real Examples of Indie Game Sales Numbers [2021]

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 22 Apr 2021, 14:57

DK indie release from Professional Villains

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 22 Apr 2021, 18:04

Kim Kanonarm og rejsen mod verdensrekorden.

Documentary about Kim Kanonarm and his attempt at playing 100 hours of the arcade game Gyruss on a single coin.

Premering 24th of April 2021 on CPH:DOX.

DR article ... INzkYSyUOA

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 22 Apr 2021, 18:19

Power to the People is another DK project in the works from Hermes Interactive. Originally founded in Argentina now based in Vejle.

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