And now a look at the released Danish games (or with a certain contribution by DK developers) on Steam.
Sorted by estimated sales numbers using the Gamalytic estimate from, as this 'should' be the most accurate number. Though not completely reliable.
A few of the titles are also released on other platforms as well so their total sales would be higher.
Mind you if I may be missing a few. Let me know if you have updates in data or titles!

Developers in parenthesis is estimated as contributing developer.
The list also includes a few of the free Steam titles, just for the sake of it. But it is mainly intended to highlight sales of commercial games.
The very limited local data set perfectly mirrors my notion of how Steam works for developers around the globe. Not just for Danish developers in 24.
So no shame in not making the big break in 2024. Making games is a journey! Making games and even more importantly making a living of selling games is a brutal sport! Steam is certainly a winners takes it all platform, like many others. So just work hard and be a winner! While being informed for the realities around it.

(SCROLL DOWN inside the embedded Google Sheet)