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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 13 Feb 2023, 18:29

An update from (DK) Ree Animation & Gaming still working on 'The Adventures of Gorm'

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 13 Feb 2023, 20:05

So the Heroes and Generals 2: The Next War Kickstarter went live! (Now from TLM Games behind the wheel, still with some DK team members in the mix at the formerly Reto-Moto)

The goal was adjusted from originally stated $3M to a significantly lower $2M.. still it's very optimistic in my perspective.
In the video they are still only promising to make a prototype in six months of a Free2Play game with Alpha and Beta tests promised in the pledges. Each individual component of that pitch could tank any other project. And putting all these factors together does not bode well for this particular KS under normal circumstances.

Adding.. also the original game is just a WW2 shooter to only mixed reviews on Steam. There are better options out there from a strictly gameplay perspective for the target audience. The unique aspect comes from the added vehicular combat + a higher level strategy gameplay. The game has found it's players but is often referenced as having a lot of issues. The promise is the new version will address some of these issues.
There is an existing player base alive and well. But the daily Steam players is down from around 10.000 dailies in the first 3 Steam years to around 2800 daily now according to SteamDB. Previously the game launched from a website downloadable launcher. I recall the move to Steam was a significant boost. So we are beyond the heydays of the project. The players on the Epic store is unknown to me. But should be added on top. I can see the game is #61 most played on Epic. So there is some kind of traction but rather far from the top. ... ost-played

Also financially speaking IT IS what is costs to make a game with a full team churning out content and features in the high end.. that stuff is expensive as hell! That is the reality of things and devs have been underselling their projects for a long time in order to meet their goals. But that is unfortunately reality on Kickstarter. Yes there are some outliers with amazing backing. But it's rare and is mostly boardgames doing that kind of thing and hardware gadgets hitting a specific niche audience. So it's not that it's a 'stupid goal'. Just that it is out of tune with the reality of Kickstarter for digital games in it's class.
Also the video seems directed at existing players rather than selling the WW2-fantasy to new players. Existing players are their current best bet, so it's not totally off in that regard. But it will be hard to expand beyond what's already there everything taken into consideration.

And yes they have some super fans out there waiting to throw some money at the project. Already almost 400.000 DKK within the first hour or so. THAT is certainly super impressive!!! But I honestly don't expect that pace to last for very long.
Also I don't see how this project on Kickstarter will appeal much to players outside of the existing fan segment. Eventually they will run out of the most enthusiastic fans willing to shell out the large bucks which will tank the momentum quite quickly.

I know I'm Mr. Pessimistic here! Sorry for that! :blush
I could misread how much the H&G community wants the game. And I do wish the project and Kickstarter all the best! :)
I don't know the community at all, so I might be poking around in the darkness here.

But I just have a bunch of fundamental concerns about this whole thing as we see it now.

And haha!! Shame on me if they make it regardless of my grumpy old man ramblings! :blush

Fingers crossed my ramblings will be put to shame! :)



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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 14 Feb 2023, 12:59

So it's day 2 on the H&G 2 Kickstarter landing 'near' 1M DKK first day! That's commendable! But also only 6% of the goal and it's sadly looking like my worries was not unfounded. There are still 2 months to go! But they need some serious fire power to push forward.

Normally on KS a campaign is 'usually' in the 'safe zone' if you have done your homework and you land around 25%+ funding from day one. Nothing is certain.. but it's a good indicator.

Of cause we can't go back in time but my suggestion for a campaign would have been something like this:
Hehe.. and obviously I didn't have any influence on it anyways. But as usual it's fun to theorize!
(And yes there are many ways to do this)

1. Have the full funding to develop the game in UE5 to begin with, without the need for a KS. (I assume TLM already have a massive bag of money to begin with since the acquisition of Heroes & Generals). I actually DO believe that remaking the game properly in UE5 is a very good idea providing the quality is upped across the board.
2. Have a realistic funding goal and rake in what is larger than the goal. Suggesting a goal size in the 200.000USD range.
3. Make it all about announcing the reboot AND a make it REALLY big on fan service. Basically it's the Kickstarter for Heroes & Generals 1+2 The Super Exclusive Goodie Bag/Super Loot Support Crate!
4. The video should be all about (Besides show the new rebooted game is in REALLY good hands fixing all the issues of the original with massive improvements across the board) And with a little extra help they can do even more.
It should be mostly about.. and REALLY showcasing the physical.. exclusive.. limited... once in a life.. time only on Kickstarter rewards aimed at the loving and loyal players through out the years.
Caps, t-shirts, helmets, berets, medals, art book, Best of Community book (players profiles, rosters, funny screenshots), pens, pins, stickers, figures (characters/vehicles), authentic WW2 gear even, lunch with the developers. And lots of options to get high pledge players to be featured and have deciding power in a lot of the swag delivered in an fancy metal or wooden ammunition box for the highest tiers.. All the stuff you don't get normally when playing the game. And of cause besides all the usual in-game reward things like unique skins etc.

I'm very sure such a Kickstarter would have landed successfully, quickly and well with the community. Serving as a love letter to the community first and foremost. And secondary as an additional funding funnel.

**And adding.. that is besides a way overdue love letter. Reto never manged to turn the tide of the Mixed Steam reviews. TLM Games has a huge project to lift. From making a way better game to better community management.
Care for your players! Both are equally important if they want the game to thrive for many years in the future. And yes PVP games are hard to manage in general.

My 2 cents! :)

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 16 Feb 2023, 11:52

Ghost Ship Publishing announced! :D Grats!
On a personal note I am a bit biased perhaps. But I can attest that these guys are awesome. As I have worked with 3 of the founders prior and their combined, persistent success with Deep Rock Galactic and expertise in Steam publishing speaks for itself.
And what's not to love about their giving back to the (sometimes Danish) gamedev community attitude with investments and now publishing! ❤️️
Wishing all the best to this new endeavor! Hope they find a lot of good matches to publish!

Deep Rock Galactic dev launches publishing label for Danish studios
Ghost Ship Games, the developer of Deep Rock Galactic, announced on Thursday that the studio is expanding into publishing. Ghost Ship, based in Denmark, will begin publishing small titles from other Danish studios. While the studio only has one game under its belt, the long-lasting success of its dwarven co-op sci-fi shooter has paved the way for more projects from other creators. ... publishing

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 17 Feb 2023, 13:22

Why is Nintendo so overprotective of it's IP

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 17 Feb 2023, 13:23

Todd Howard: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 6, Fallout, and Starfield | Lex Fridman Podcast #342

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 18 Feb 2023, 23:19

Hovgaard Game's 'Big Ambitions' launching in Early Access 10th of March 2023

I almost can't imagine if this game would not come out as a success sooner or later. :)

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 19 Feb 2023, 15:21

Oh well speaking of Kickstarters.. It has been mostly doom and gloom for Danish digital games on the platform recently. I can hardly remember somebody landing a meaningful campaign. A bit more of devs should do their homework before launching a campaign on the platform.

BUT in board games it's a different matter! Kickstarter seems to value physical media SO much more than the digital realm.
Even though we all know that working in digital media is >generally< SOOO much more complex than putting together a board game. Not that the designing, promoting and shipping board games is a trivial task. It certainly has it's own set of challenges.

Also digital games has been devalued tremendously through sheer competition through out the years. Especially magnified with the introduction of digital distribution platforms and an endless supply of free digital games straight to the palm of your hand.
Long gone are the days of where everything shipped in large boxes with CD-Roms and diskettes was the norm.
Especially now digital games just have this inherent non-scarcity with endless supply vs. physical media that is not infinitely reproducible.
There is probably nothing anyone can do about it! Just accept the fact and plan accordingly. But perhaps digital games can in some cases learn to implement more physical aspects in their future campaigns and games. Not that it makes things any less complex to run, quite on the contrary.

Adding..and of cause a well executed campaign with the right game for the platform CAN absolutely work! It's "just" hard and a leap of faith.

The value perception is quite visible on crowdfunding sites where digital games is competing head to head with physical media for attention and the monies.

So with that said the recent (already successful) DK Kickstarters includes:
(And big grats to all the creators!) <3

Incredibly well crafted by Nicolai Aarøe.

House of Seven Gables Playing Cards
Salem, Massachusetts, 1692. A unique and artistic reimagination of the occult and altruistic legend of The House of Seven Gables.

Goblin Gonzo
GOBLIN GONZO is a stand-alone art-punk TTRPG built on the Mörk Borg engine. Come get your goblin mode on! It’s gonna get real weird.

By Blæk Games

Technically not a game but game accessories. 3D artists selling models ready for 3D printing for board games is also a pretty successful category.
Also suuuper cool high quality models in this case!

Arbiter Miniatures Kickstarter 8: Hellgate
Epic 3D Printable STL Miniatures with super easy to remove professional pre-supports AND a full RPG adventure based on the miniatures!

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 20 Feb 2023, 01:08

Blender 3.5 beta

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 20 Feb 2023, 12:37

A rare (pay-walled) interview (in Danish) with one of my old colleagues Arnt Jensen! I'm sure most people have heard of him or his amazing creations.

The man behind Limbo and INSIDE. Speaks for itself! :)
Looking forward to 'Game 3'!

Many moons ago I was working with Arnt for a shorter period of time at the now long gone company 3BGamez working on a PS2/PC game demo pitch 'DrugDEAler'. Not long after 3B, I met him randomly on the street and he was talking about a small game he was working on at the time. That was Limbo! :D
Sooo good for Arnt he made things his own way! <3

Computerspillenes von Trier er så kompromisløs, at han selv må eje alt

Arnt Jensen har kodet computere fra han var ti år gammel, men troede han skulle være billedkunstner. Så fandt han ud af, at de to ting ikke udelukker hinanden. Hans spil er udstillet på MoMa og har vundet mere end 100 priser. Alligevel ved han ikke rigtig hvad han skal arbejde med, for computeren er stadig hans hobby. ... A5-eje-alt

(Remember to read their terms if you are just in for a quick trial and read on Politiken) ... -12-16.pdf

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 21 Feb 2023, 00:24

Rytmos from FloppyClub is launching soon on the 28th Feburary 2023!

The game looks great! Absolutely!
But looking at the current Steam figures on SteamDB I am a bit worried about the prospects of the PC launch currently.

Have no doubt! The game looks beautiful! Super stylish and slick! Made by a small super talented team of 2 devs. Such a damn good job wow! And hopefully the game is also a very good.

I do have some concerns about the $15 range, self published, no real traction on wishlists on Steam, puzzle (and even more so rythm) games is an extra hard category.
Overall it's not the most safe and sound vibes I get, sadly. estimated on multiple parameters and indicators.
Crossing fingers the launch will surprise and the long tail will turn out really well. The good news is that it's not a super expensive company to operate with only 2 devs. So that could give them some legs potentially also if they are no strangers to WFH.

Currently it's a spilordningen funded project with just short of 900.000 DKK in support from at least two grants from 20+21.
So at least they got parts of their development funded. Though money burns fast!

Also I might assume mobile versions is on the way sooner or later?! Kind of looks a bit like something the would feel right at home on the Apple AppStore with some loving featuring. Honestly a bit odd they didn't go straight for Apples throat on this one. Hmmm. (Or who knows?! Maybe they tried and it's coming later?!)

Harder to say something specific on Epic+Switch projected performance. But more platforms should be good! But without a lot of featuring on the stores it probably won't mean that much. Also neither has a super strong catalog for puzzle games.

But let's see! I really hope it surprises positively! And the sheer quality of the game can propel it forward. :)

Fingers crossed! :D

**ADDING!! I forgot one VERY commendable aspect besides the amazing presentation. The Floppy Club company was founded in 2020. So they probably only spent 2-3ish years making the game! Great to see some devs finishing and shipping a game of a high quality rather quickly. When the norm in Denmark for a bit too many devs is like spending 5-8 years and the maybe shipping something with unknown commercial potential. (Could be some work on the project has happened before the formation of the company. That is unknown to me but not unlikely). Great to see a little tempo nonetheless! :)
And yes I know some projects requires just that extra level of polish and time. (But there is only one Playdead) ;)
And getting the funding to finish the project can take a lot of time and effort in our local pond with limited funding options. But sometimes...

They have a launch trailer!



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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 22 Feb 2023, 15:52

So today is release day for Triband's What the bat in PSVR2. First DK game on PSVR2 to my knowledge.
Grats on the release!

What the Bat? - Launch Trailer | PSVR2 Games

Peter Bruun CEO of Triband on Go-Morgen Danmark (TV2 Play subscription required) ... 3ff01b2737

PSVR2 on Adam Savage's Tested

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 22 Feb 2023, 16:08

Bolverk Games are looking for beta testers for their upcoming VR game Genotype.

Sign up here:

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 23 Feb 2023, 20:20

Oh boy! More investments from Ghost Ship Games in the Danish games industry. This time Bedtime Digital Games from Aalborg. ❤️️

Cool burger! :D Grats to all! <3

Ghost Ship Games invests in Figment developer Bedtime Digital Games
Deep Rock Galactic developer Ghost Ship Games has made an undisclosed investment into fellow Danish studio Bedtime Digital Games.

The cash-injection is part of a wider partnership between the two companies that includes financial support and strategic counsel.

Ghost Ship Games says the deal will facilitate the self-publishing of Bedtime's upcoming title, Figment 2: Creed Valley, and help support the entire franchise. ... ital-games

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 24 Feb 2023, 09:54

Ghost Ship Games will have live stream celebrating 5 years of Deep Rock Galactic.
According to their Steam page post 3 games from their new branch Ghost Ship Publishing will be revealed!

Super curious here! :D
The live stream will take place on Twitch (ghostship_games),
Wednesday, March 1st, from 14.00 CET

Ghost Ship Publishing - Game Reveals
Some of you will already have heard about this through the grapevine: Ghost Ship is expanding, adding a brand new department dedicated to publishing games from other awesome and talented developers. Stick around for this part as we reveal the first three games we will be publishing, talking with the developers directly, and showing off the games themselves.

More on ... 0840145634

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 26 Feb 2023, 09:30

The online Diablo like hack n slash game Treachrous Journey by Dire Prism ( @Jesper Nielsen ) now gas a Steam page! 👍

Treacherous Journeys Trailer, June 2022

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 26 Feb 2023, 19:59

Jumpship was sold to Swedish Thunderful Group. Co-founded by earlier co-funder of Playdead, Dino Patti. ... mpship-ltd

And now we know about how much the deal is worth. About a staggering 33.5M Euro! Boom!
I'd say that's some clever business play from Dino.
So far it looks like Somerville hasn't lived up the the expectations. A far cry from the sales and reception of Limbo and INSIDE from his former company. Perhaps future titles will make the purchase of Jumpship a good investment. Crossing fingers!

Grats to Dino and Chris regardless! :D

Article in Danish (Paywalled)

Salg kan udløse op mod 250 mio. kr. til spiliværk­sæt­tere: “Det er simpelthen så vildt”

Dino Patti kan sammen med sin medstifter af Jumpship se frem til op mod en kvart milliard efter salg af virksomhed ... spilstudie

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 27 Feb 2023, 16:39

AI is getting really good at taking 2D video and recreating a animated 3D models. Could very much be a new tool for some games of the future and it looks like you can do this on an indie budget without breaking a sweat.

Vid2Avatar: 3D Avatar Reconstruction from Video in the Wild with Self-supervised Decomposition

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 28 Feb 2023, 18:53

So the first concept image and info has been revealed from IO Interactive's next project. I guess this is the project formerly refereed to as 'Project Dragon'. Now it's Project Fantasy.. 'Could' be that Project Dragon and Fantasy are two separate things. But probably not! :)

Super nice toony concept visuals so far! The palette might a little too unnecessary monochromatic. Looks like a potential vibrant colorful world. No need to not show that more. But that's a small nitpick on the intended style. Looks great regardless!

Now we are sharing with all of you, that we are embarking on a new adventure! One that expands our creativity, our capabilities, and in some sense our identity. We are building a new world, a new IP – an online fantasy RPG. A world and a game built from the core to entertain players and expand for many years to come. It feels familiar, yet at the same time IOI is going on a journey unlike any we have been on before.

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 01 Mar 2023, 10:08

Rytmos from DK Floppy Club launched yesterday!

Grats on the release to the team! :D

Hoping all the best for the project! :D
And they will be able to push through these early days and make more games of high style and quality.


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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 01 Mar 2023, 14:11

😍 Uhhhhhh... glæder mig til at se hvad Ghost Ship har fundet på til deres 5 års dags live Stream på Twitch. 🤤Følg med her fra en 15.00 tiden.

Ghost Ship Games live streams starts 14.00 CET.. game announcements 15.00 CET - TODAY!

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 01 Mar 2023, 17:13

Our announcement from the live stream! :D
Will post SpellRouge and Deep Rock Survivors soon.

It is a great honor to introduce DarkSwarm by Bitfire Games (Me and @Oxmond)

It has been a long journey to get this far and there is a long journey ahead of us. But man it is amazing already. We are having an absolute blast!

DarkSwarm Announcement Trailer

(Steam page is coming when the Valve gods permits) :)

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 02 Mar 2023, 11:31

Another super new and fresh title announced yesterday
Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor looking good! Developed by DK Funday Games. Formerly Funday Factory.

Smart move guys! I have a good feeling about this one! <3

Working with local big IP like Deep Rock Galactic and Subway Surfers!
I wonder if they do a Hugo game to top it all?!? :D ;)

Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor - Announcement Trailer

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