Hi guys,
I just wanted to tap into the knowledge pool that is "spiludvikling.dk" and see if anyone has any experience with getting featured on Google Play.
A quick search will give something like this:
https://developer.android.com/distribut ... taff-picks
But what I am looking for is more some insight / stories from people who have had experience with the process whether it succeeded or not.
Quick edit - we are currently not looking towards working with a publisher to make it happen, which might complicate things. But if you have good experiences with publishers etc. it might be cool to hear the story anyway.
Thanks in advance,
Experience with featuring on Google Play
Re: Experience with featuring on Google Play
Jeg har ikke direkte erfaring, men har holdt et par møder med Google under bl.a. GDC omkring featuring af en App. Vi har dog valgt at fokusere på ios først.
Det er væsentligt nemmere og mere afslappet end Apple. Den person der plejede at have styr på det hos Google har desværre skiftet job så jeg har ikke en personlig kontakt mere.
Det er væsentligt nemmere og mere afslappet end Apple. Den person der plejede at have styr på det hos Google har desværre skiftet job så jeg har ikke en personlig kontakt mere.