So yesterday evening there was seemingly a DoS attack on the site.
I closed the shutters on the site to only allow myself into the site. And inside that bubble everything was running just smoothly as normal.
I will do so again if there are more issues in that regard. While also working towards a strengthening of the site in general.
Also there was a new online user record! YAY! > 1825 < So that's pretty cool!

As a great backup community I have made a Discord server! Finally

EVERYBODY is welcome!
Just opened the site up again so let's see if the DoS troll(s) will be back. You might have to expect future temp closures of the site if they do. It's no big deal for me at all! Haha It's not like I am loosing income. Have been running to site for free for everybody for 20 years+ not making a dime on it. Only a hobby expense for me personally.

Regardless I send my heart felt thanks to the trolls!
Without you I would not have focused on this security issue and created a new Discord server. So thanks for bringing it to my attention.
If that was your mission you have succeeded!