Spiludvikling.dk on Discord

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Spiludvikling.dk on Discord

Unread post by jonaz.dk » 26 Feb 2023, 15:22


Hi guys!

So a few days ago I started a Discord server for to the site. Besides serving as a backup community in the case of a DoS attack or other technical challenges it is also super cosy and hyggeligt place hang around! 52 gamedev nerds and hang-arounds has joined so far and it's forming a life of it's own.

Hygge is the mission statement of this particular discord server.
Not to make the largest and most serious server ever. But certainly the most cosy, silly, fun, casual and hyggeligste. There is plenty of the other things around already, no need to be redundant. There is certainly also room for serious posts in the more forum-like structure.

Posts on the main site of www.Spiludvikling.dk is of cause also VERY much appreciated. <3

DISCORD: Everybody is welcome! :D
Tip: Der er forresten super hyggeren i (#DK-Hyggeren). Så er det sagt på godt gammeldags Dansk! :)

When joined It would be super awesome if you could spare a few seconds to write a smaller (or longer) introduction about yourself.

Also I don't hope there will be a need for strict rules. People around the games industry seems to be generally well behaved individuals. (I'm probably among the worst.. you have been warned) ;)
Any moderation issues will be handled on a case by case basis if the need should arrive.


(Mainly just writing this post to give a formal introduction for the menu Discord button on the site.. if you clicked it you are on the right way) ;)

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