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Unread post by blaavogn » 26 Jul 2013, 20:14

I would like to show you the first game I have been able to finsih.
I made it for a couple of months ago. The idea was to find a simple mechanic, that I could use while practising level design.
My catch-phrase for the game has been "A cooperation game for your brain sides."
I would love any kind of feedback :)

The game is at: http://blaavogn.dk/

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Re: DuoBall

Unread post by Fotology.dk » 29 Jul 2013, 08:57

Faktisk meget underholdende :)

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Re: DuoBall

Unread post by TorbenLarsen » 31 Jul 2013, 10:14

Interessant spil. Min første tanke var lidt ala et Commodore vic 20 spil :)

Godt skuldret med første spil. Altid en lækker milepæl at få neglet. :geek:

website: Cope-Com ..."Active since 1985 - The famed Danish video game pioneers"

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Re: DuoBall

Unread post by blaavogn » 31 Jul 2013, 13:39

Jeg tror aldrig, at jeg rigtigt har prøvet en konsol, som var ældre en Playstation.

Rent visuelt føler jeg, at jeg har meget lidt kontrol over hvad jeg laver :P.

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