Looking for game design tutorials ? Find them in a new app

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Looking for game design tutorials ? Find them in a new app

Unread post by PASCAL LUBAN » 10 Dec 2014, 13:47

My name is Pascal Luban. I am a game designer with 19+ yrs of experience. I have worked on both triple-A console titles like Battlefield - Bad Company or Splinter Cell (I was their lead level designer on the multiplayer version) and mobile games.

I have compiled all my experience in an iOS/Android app called GAME DESIGN TOOLBOX

Check it out. The app is free and includes one tutorial. The other tutorials are for sale but at very, very low prices: most of them are priced between 1 and 3 $. for that price, you'll be surprised by the quality of the content.

Tutorials cover the following areas:

- Game concept
- Game mechanics
- Level design
- Storytelling
- Tools & methods

Each category contains detailed tutorials. Chances are that you'll find topics of interest to you.

If you want details on the content of the app, you can visit its website: http://www.tutorialsgamedesign.com
watch this Youtube movie: http://youtu.be/bldotB94MMQ
or visit the App Store and Google Play.

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Re: Looking for game design tutorials ? Find them in a new a

Unread post by Code » 11 Dec 2014, 09:14

It's a pretty neat idea.. are the users able to rate the tutorials? That would make it other users more likely to know if they are actually buying a good tutorial ;)
How about great video tutorials as well?
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Re: Looking for game design tutorials ? Find them in a new a

Unread post by PASCAL LUBAN » 11 Dec 2014, 09:29

Hi.Thanks for your support. The app can be rated but not individual tutorials. I know it would have been better but I had to limit the features of this app for budget reasons.
Tutorials rating is planned for the next version.

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